Here's Why You Should Sleep on the Left Side (Not the Right Side).

We all know that getting enough sleep is essential for our well-being.

But it turns out that the position where we sleep is also important.

Indeed, studies show that sleeping on the left side plays on health and quality of sleep.

The theory comes from Ayurveda, a holistic approach to health and medicine that originated in India.

So why is sleeping on the left side recommended?

Because it is good for digestion, the back and even the heart due to the position of the different organs in the body.

here is 6 good reasons why sleeping on your left side is good for you :

why do you have to sleep on the left side?

1. Strengthens the lymphatic system

According to Ayurvedic medicine, sleeping on the left side allows the body to filter lymph fluid and waste products better through the lymph nodes.

Scientific studies have also found that sleeping on the left side helps the brain better eliminate chemical waste that accumulates during the day.

On the contrary, sleeping on the right side decreases the efficiency of the lymphatic system.

2. Improves digestion

From the point of view of digestion, sleeping on the left side is preferable to the right side.

Why ? It's all a matter of gravity.

Indeed, if you are lying on your left side, the transit is easier from the large intestine down to the colon.

As a result, you are more likely to go to the bathroom when you wake up.

Since our stomachs are on the left side of the body, sleeping on the left side also allows the stomach and pancreas to hang down more naturally.

In particular, this promotes the development of pancreatic enzymes and the digestive process.

To better understand, take a look at this drawing which shows the inside of our body:

explanation for sleeping on the left side good for health

3. Facilitates blood circulation

Doctors have long recommended that pregnant women sleep on their left side to improve circulation to the heart.

Even if you are not pregnant (or a woman), sleeping on your left side can indeed relieve your heart.

Why ? Because once again, gravity facilitates lymphatic drainage and aortic circulation.

4. Allows pregnant women to sleep better

Sleeping on your left side not only improves blood circulation in pregnant women.

It also relieves the back, prevents the uterus from pressing on the liver, and increases blood flow to the uterus, kidneys, and fetus.

It is for this reason that doctors recommend that pregnant women sleep on their left side as much as possible.

5. Reduces heartburn

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology found that lying on your left side helps reduce symptoms of acid reflux.

Again this is because our stomach is on the left side of our body.

Conversely, lying on your right side can have the opposite effect and therefore increase heartburn.

Know that you can feel the benefits of this position by doing a simple test.

If you have heartburn after a meal, lie on your left side for 10 min. The result will be immediate!

6. Relieves back pain

People with chronic back pain can try sleeping on their left side.

Why ? Because it relieves the pressure on the spine.

As a result, it decreases pain and automatically improves your chances of getting a good night's sleep.

diagram explanation reason to sleep on the left side


For some people with heart disease, sleep apnea, glaucoma, or carpal tunnel syndrome, sleeping on your left side is not necessarily recommended.

If you are unsure of what is the best sleeping position to adopt, it is best to consult a healthcare practitioner.

How do I change my position?

If you are ready to make the switch from the right side to the left side, you will find that it is not that easy to get into this new habit.

It may take a while to get used to sleeping on your left side.

Fortunately, there are some simple tips for making the transition a smooth one.

For example, you can try putting a pillow behind your back to avoid switching sides while sleeping.

You can also try changing sides of the bed. In this way, you will feel less of the change in orientation.

Also remember to choose a comfortable and flexible mattress because sleeping on your side puts pressure on your hips and shoulders.

Also, make sure you have a mattress that keeps your spine straight.

The combination of a comfortable bed and a good sleeping position will increase the chances of sleeping well and feeling good when you wake up.

Your turn...

Have you tried this way of sleeping on your left side? Tell us in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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