How To Clean Your Freezer In Just 5 Quick And Easy Steps.

For many people, cleaning the freezer is all about removing all the food in it ...

... then leave the appliance to defrost on its own.

Of course, defrosting the device is essential to clean it, but it is not the only thing to do.

In order for your freezer to always perform as well as on the 1st day, it must be spring clean.

This deep cleaning first allows you to lower your electricity bills...

... but also to avoid cross-contamination and freezing conditions that could make you sick.

How to clean freezer easy and fast

But don't worry, with a minimum of regular maintenance and cleaning, your freezer will perform well for years to come!

here is how to clean your freezer in just 5 quick and easy steps. Look :

1. Unplug the freezer

unplug the freezer for easy cleaning

Even if your appliance has a switch, it is recommended that you unplug the freezer completely before starting to clean it.

This is the best way to avoid the risk of electric shock that could occur when defrosting and cleaning the freezer.

Then make sure that your freezer is located in a place where cleaning it will not damage the floor or the appliance.

If necessary, place old newspapers or towels under the appliance to avoid getting them everywhere.

2. Sort out and throw away what is no longer good

Seen on the inside of a chest freezer with food in freezer bags

Chances are, you have a lot of food stored in your freezer.

And it is possible that you have forgotten some of these foods for many months.

So now is the time to sort through the contents in your freezer.

When you remove your frozen foods from the freezer, make a list with the name of the food and the dates that appear on the labels and packages.

Examine the food and smell it. Then throw away any expired frozen food.

Here's how to recognize spoiled frozen food:

- if you see abnormal or strange discoloration on the product

- if you smell unpleasant and foul smells

- if you see a layer of frost or ice on the food, inside the container

- if the recommended storage date of frozen food has simply passed

Then place all frozen foods in plastic storage bins or large boxes with lids.

By storing all foods in large, airtight containers, you will prevent your food from thawing prematurely while cleaning the freezer.

You can then put them in plastic bags for easy cleaning, once the food is put back in the freezer.

Here are some examples of foods with their freezer storage time:

- Bacon and sausages: 2 months

- Cooked leftovers: 3-4 months

- Soups, stews and broths: 2 months

- Raw ground steak: 4 months

- Raw chicken: 9 months

- Cooked beef and poultry: 4 months

- Fruits and vegetables : 12-18 months

To discover : How long can you keep food in the freezer? The ESSENTIAL Practical Guide.

3. Speed ​​up defrosting with this trick

How to quickly thaw freezer with hot water in a pan

Once all of the food has been removed, inventoried, and placed in storage bins, it's time to thaw the freezer.

By simply leaving the door open, defrost can take several hours.

Defrosting removes all the accumulated frost that covers the walls and storage bins.

If you're pressed for time, there are two ways you can speed up the defrosting process:

1. Place a large container of hot water (such as a large salad bowl) in the freezer. Close the lid and allow the heat and steam to melt the ice inside your freezer. Find out how to do it here.

Depending on the amount of frost and ice, as well as the size of your freezer, you may need to change the water container several times when the water is not hot enough.

2. Take an old hair dryer and set it to the low heat position. Direct hot air all over the interior walls of your appliance.

Be careful that thawed water does not come into contact with the hair dryer to avoid the risk of electrical short circuit or the risk of electric shock. Check out the trick here.

4. Clean the inside of the freezer

products to clean a freezer

Once all of the ice and frost has melted, it's time to open your freezer's drain or drainpipe.

But before that, remember to put a basin to collect the water! Once the drain is open, let all the water flow into the basin.

Now take a mild cleanser, such as dish soap or even better, baking soda or white vinegar.

Put a small amount of dish soap, vinegar or baking soda in a bowl and add lukewarm water.

Dip a towel or rag in this mixture and wash the inside of your freezer.

Remove shelves or bins and wash them in the sink or shower to remove stubborn dirt and stains and sanitize them.

Rinse the inside of the appliance to wash it and remove any residue that could clog.

Finally, let the freezer air dry or use a cotton cloth to dry it faster.

Are there still bad smells coming out of the freezer?

To remove any lingering odor in the freezer, place a can of baking soda inside and close the freezer for several hours. This trick also works for fridge odors.

If you want to remove stubborn odors, you can also place a small bowl of activated charcoal inside the freezer.

Then close the freezer and let the appliance run for 2 to 4 hours.

To avoid odors in the future, have the habit of leaving an open container of baking soda in the freezer, next to the food.

Replace this can of baking soda every 3 months.

To discover : White Vinegar To Thoroughly Clean Your Refrigerator.

5. Store and organize your freezer

Use a list to indicate the foods in the freezer

Now you can put all your frozen food back in the freezer.

To prevent food from getting contaminated and left in the back of the freezer, organize it as you store it in your freezer.

Place all frozen foods that have a long shelf life at the bottom.

Store meats by category, in a space at the back. Place other types of food in another area. Put the bags of food you use the most on top.

By organizing food strategically in the freezer, it will save space easily.

All you have to do is take the list of foods you made during your inventory and stick it on top of the freezer.

And don't forget to place a pen or pencil nearby. This will allow you to cross off the food you take each time you open the freezer.

Convenient to know what is left in the freezer, without having to open it!

It saves energy and in addition, you avoid forgetting foods inside or buying them in duplicate. Economical, isn't it?

An upright freezer that needs to be cleaned

If you want the cleaning of your chest or cabinet freezer to be even faster and easier to do, it is best to clean it regularly, 2-3 times a year.

There you go, you know how to clean a freezer quickly :-)

Your turn...

Have you tried this method for cleaning a chest freezer? Tell us in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

The New Super Efficient Method To Clean A VERY DIRTY Fridge.

The Simple Tip To Avoid Frost In The Freezer.

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