Olive Leaf, The Miracle Antibiotic That Nobody Knows.

The olive tree is the quintessential Mediterranean tree.

If there is a tree that symbolizes the Mediterranean basin, it is it.

Also called Olea europaea folium, it is the symbol of peace and fidelity.

It has been cultivated for millennia (over 3,500 years!) For its fruits and the oil extracted from it.

The Greeks already knew the virtues of the olive tree for health.

Indeed, they used the olive leaf for its sanitizing properties and treated wounds and wounds with it.

health benefits of olive leaves

Today, antibiotics have replaced the olive leaf.

But medicine and herbal medicine once again highlight all the benefits of the olive leaf.

You and I tend to be more interested in olives, oil or even the soaps that we make from their oil.

Scientific researchers, on the other hand, focus their attention on the olive leaf.

Weird? Not that much ! You should know that the olive leaf is rich in oleuropein, just like its oil.

It is one of the natural antioxidants the most powerful that we know.

The only one that surpasses it is the gallic acid found in oak.

Compared to oil, the leaf of the olive tree has another additional advantage: hydroxytyrosol, a very effective sanitizer.

It is only found in the leaves of which it is the metabolite.

Olive leaf is a powerful antibiotic

olive leaves collected in a bag

Thanks to advances in research, it is now known that oleuropein from the olive leaf is a powerful antibiotic.

But not only ! It is also a ultra effective antioxidant.

It is your cardiovascular system's best friend:

- it unclogs the arteries which helps prevent atherosclerosis.

- thanks to it, the walls of the veins retain their elasticity.

- it is an excellent hypoglycemic agent.

And you don't have to be a medical expert to know the virtues of the olive leaf!

Mediterranean people know that the olive leaf has beneficial effects on the digestive system.

Not only is intestinal transit improved, but in addition, it cleans our body by removing fungi.

This is the case of Candida fungi which feel at home in our bodies!

How to consume the olive leaf?

olive leaves can be used as an anti biotic and antioxidant

Do you want to benefit from the benefits of olive leaves? No worries !

Fresh or dry, the olive leaf is perfect in decoctions or herbal teas.

You can also make a course of capsules.

In this case, it is best to check with a herbalist.

Olive leaf also helps get rid of toxic waste buildup in the body.

The olive tree is not only a very beautiful symbol. It is not without reason that the ancients have used it for centuries.

Who knows if over time, this tree and its leaves will not become one of the best modern medicines!

Where to find herbal teas made from olive leaves?

You can find olive leaf tea at herbalists, or here on the internet:

olive leaf tea

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Also to discover:

11 Natural Alternatives To The Antibiotics Our Ancestors Used.

63 Essential Medicinal Plants For Healing.

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