IPhone application - Read the Le Monde newspaper for free.

For those who want readfreetheWorld on their iPhone, the application of the newspaper Le Monde is there for that. If you want to follow the daily news for free, this App is for you.

With this application iPhone, wherever you go you can enjoy all the content of the Monde.fr : articles, portfolios, telezapping, radiozapping.

Nice little tip, if the network is lacking, you can consult all the latest updated information even while disconnected.

Also follow the news on the application of the newspaper Liberation.

Savings made

The application theWorld on iPhone, it's free and this allows to save buying the newspaper every day. This application even offers many advantages over the paper version.

You can access the latest articles free of charge, as well as telezapping and radiozapping which are updated daily.

It is also possible to personalize access to your favorite sections.

The application free du Monde.fr is a stingy trick because it allows you to save nearly 250 euros per year on the purchase of the paper newspaper!

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