The Homemade Anti-Cellulite Scrub Your Skin Will Love.

Tired of the orange peel look of cellulite?

It is true that it is not very aesthetic especially on the thighs, stomach and buttocks.

But no need to buy overpriced creams!

My grandmother gave me a recipe that your skin will love. More all the products are already in your cupboards!

Everything you need, it's olive oil, brown sugar and coffee grounds. Look :

homemade anti-cellulite scrub recipe


- extra virgin olive oil

- powdered brown sugar

- dry coffee grounds

How to do

homemade cellulite scrub coffee and olive oil with sugar

1. In a bowl, put two cups of dry coffee grounds.

2. Add half a cup of powdered brown sugar.

3. Then pour three tablespoons of olive oil.

4. Mix everything to obtain a grainy and very moist dough.

5. Add a little oil if needed.


And There you go ! You have prepared your homemade anti-cellulite scrub :-)

Your skin will love this scrub which will reduce cellulite in just a few weeks.


Take a hot shower to open the pores of the skin. Put some homemade scrub in your hand and massage yourself in a circular fashion on all affected areas.

To be renewed twice a week as an attack cure. Be careful not to press too hard so as not to irritate the skin.

You can leave this paste on for about twenty minutes to amplify its effect.

By wrapping yourself in a hot towel or cling film, the effect will be even better. Look :

Thigh wrap with coffee grounds

Your turn...

Have you tried this homemade cellulite recipe? Let us know if it worked for you in the comments. We can't wait to read you!

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Also to discover:

5 Low-Cost Fat Burning Foods.

The Magic Drink To Fight Cellulite.

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