The Unknown And Effective Trick To Promote Hair Growth.

There is a trick, ladies, to make hair grow much faster.

An unknown but effective method, on the other hand ... it does not necessarily smell very good!

The trick is to apply onion juice directly to your hairline, look at:

onion juice makes hair grow

How to do

1. Pass an onion through a juice extractor.

2. Apply this juice to the roots of your hair.

3. Massage lightly.

4. Leave on for 1 or 2 hours.

5. Then do your usual shampoo.


There you go, your hair grows faster :-)

Simple, practical and efficient!

It is also the most economical and natural remedy that exists.

If you're brave enough, leave your lotion on overnight and wash your hair in the morning.

Frequency of use

This method is radical in order to see your hair grow much faster.

The frequency of use is simple: before each shampoo. So you keep shampooing the same frequency as usual.

Here are some tips to reduce the onion smell, if you can't stand it:

- only leave this "mixture" for 1 or 2 hours on your hair, and not all night, before your shampoos

- use a mild shampoo that smells good, which you can leave on your hair for a few minutes before rinsing it

- if you wish, do 2 shampoos or use a conditioner

- you can also add a little lemon juice to the onion juice, the smell of lemon reducing that of the onion

- or if you prefer, an essential oil of your choice.

Bonus tip

If you don't have a juice machine, here's how to get your onion juice:

- Peel your onion, remove the green shoots and cut it into pieces.

- Put it in the blender.

- Place an old stocking without a hole on a funnel and put everything on the bottle where you want to pour the juice.

- Pour the mixed onion in the bottom and press well.

Your turn...

Have you tried this grandma's hair growth trick? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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My Grandma's Tip to Make Hair Grow Faster.

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