How To Store Carrots For Months.

When you buy carrots, you choose them firm and well colored. And then, we tell ourselves that they will keep well.

I am talking here about so-called "winter" carrots, the largest.

Unfortunately, after a while you end up with carrots that change color and become soft.

Even if we put them in the fridge.

Still, there is a trick to storing winter carrots properly for weeks or even months.

The trick is to put the carrots in the cellar, between two layers of sand.

keep carrots cellar

How to do

1. Put sand in a crate.

2. Place your carrots on the sand.

3. Put another layer of sand.

4. Keep everything in the cellar.


Here is ! Now you know how to cleverly store your carrots for weeks or even months :-)

Bonus tip

The "early" carrots, those which are the smallest, can be kept for 3 days in a refrigerator. They are fragile, do not leave them in the open.

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Also to discover:

The Tip for Choosing the Right Carrots.

An Easy and Cheap Savory Tart: the Carrot Tart!

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