How to EASILY Clean Your Hob with Baking Soda.

Is your hob full of stains, spills and pot spills?

It's normal when we cook, we always put it everywhere!

Don't panic, I found THE solution for clean your hob thoroughly.

And it works for both induction and ceramic hobs.

With this homemade trick, your plate will be like new!

All you need is a little baking soda. Look :

How to clean a ceramic hob?

What you need

What are the ingredients needed to clean a hob?

- 1 bowl of hot soapy water

- baking soda

- a cleaning cloth (I recommend these microfiber wipes)

- rubber gloves to protect your hands

How to do

1. Fill a bowl with hot water.

2. Add a few drops of homemade dish soap to make soapy water.

A few drops of homemade dish soap are enough to make hot, soapy water.

3. Dip your cloth in hot, soapy water.

4. Generously sprinkle baking soda on the dirty areas of the baking sheet.

Apply a large amount of baking soda to the surface of your plate to remove stains.

5. Take the cloth out of the bowl of soapy water.

6. Wring out the cloth to extract about half of the soapy water. He must be humid and not dripping with water.

7. Spread the damp cloth over the affected area.

Spread a cloth dampened with hot soapy water to remove stubborn marks from your hob.

8. Leave on for about 15 min.

Wait 15 minutes for your plate to be very clean.

9. Then rub the cloth over the plate in large circular motions.

Don't worry, baking soda is an extremely mild abrasive and do not scratch the plates cooking glass.

Rub your baking sheet in circular motions.

10. Dry the surface and polish it with a microfiber cloth.


Baking soda can actually help you clean induction hobs.

And there you have it, now your hob is like new :-)

No more ugly white marks that remain encrusted on the plate.

Awesome, isn't it? Note that I obtained this result from the 1st application.

Additional advice

If the stains on your ceramic hob are particularly stubborn, simply allow the cloth soaked in hot soapy water to act a little longer.

In addition, to make your plate shine even more, spray the surface with white vinegar and rub with a microfiber cloth.

Yes well, okay, everyone knows that the ideal is to clean the plate as soon as you have finished cooking!

But honestly, when the plate is too hot and you are hungry: well you eat and you forget to clean the plate :-)

Your turn...

Have you tried this trick for cleaning your hob? Let us know in the comments if it worked well for you. We can't wait to hear from you! :-)

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Also to discover:

Finally a Tip For Cleaning Between the Windows of an Oven.

43 Amazing Uses for Baking Soda.

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