The Best Tip for Keeping Salad Fresh and Crunchy for a Week.

You hesitate to buy salad because it rots quickly?

Barely bought and already withered! Not very appetizing all this ... Wondering how to store the salad?

Fortunately, there is a trick to keeping salad longer.

The trick that works to keep your salad fresh is to slip in a paper towel and seal it tightly with plastic wrap. Look.

salad conservation: keep fresh crunchy salad tip

How to do

1. Place your salad in a Ziploc type bag or salad bowl as in the photo.

2. Put down a paper towel or paper towel.

3. Seal the bag tightly or cover the bowl with plastic wrap.

4. Put it in the fridge.


There you go, your salad stays fresh and crunchy for a whole week :-)

Now you know how to store salad longer.

Simple, practical and efficient! And you make less waste by not throwing away a damaged salad. It is therefore more economical.

Bonus tip

Grandma's trick to storing your salad is to roll it in a tea towel.

This absorbs moisture and prevents your salad from wilting.

Your turn...

Have you tried this grandmother's trick to keep salad longer? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

The Amazing Tip For Keeping Sachet Salad Longer.

My Tip for Recovering a Withered Salad in 20 Minutes.

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