8 Tips To Avoid Dust In Your Bedroom.

It doesn't matter if you dust every day, it comes back every time ...

And the worst room to let it accumulate is your bedroom. Breathe dust mites and allergens all night long, no thanks!

So what to do about dust?

Luckily, there are a few things you can do to prevent dust from building up in your bedroom. You will finally win the fight against the dust.

Here are 8 ways to fight dust and avoid dust in your room:

Tips for avoiding dust in your bedroom

1. Wash your sheets weekly

Too much dust in the room? If you just want to do one thing to avoid dust, do this. Washing your sheets (pillowcases included) every week is incredibly efficient.

And as a bonus, try washing them at 60 ° or more, to completely eradicate traces of dust.

2. Avoid flat surfaces

The less level surfaces you have in your bedroom, the fewer places there will be for dust to collect.

Fashion is minimalism, so we go all out for our bedroom, and we remove decorations or furniture that are not necessary.

3. Don't leave anything lying around on the floor

No matter how hard you put in step 2, the soil is something you can't get rid of! The problem is, it's a big flat surface on which the dust will be happy to settle.

So be careful not to leave your clothes on the floor and vacuum often.

If you have rugs, shake them outside regularly with a broom, rug beater, or tennis racket.

4. Clean with a damp cloth

Microfiber cloths are great, but a must for dust is a damp cloth. This is the best way to remove dust from furniture. Use it once a week in your bedroom, to remove dust from all surfaces, including wood or metal furniture. And don't forget the window sills.

5. Rearrange your furniture

Take a tour of the furniture in your bedroom, wondering if they are upholstered. If so, you'd better take them out or replace them, because there's nothing dust likes more than tapestries.

6. Organize your closet

It doesn't matter if your closet is full of clothes, sheets or towels, because they ALL attract dust. Instead, try putting them in protective covers or boxes. Store them on shelves, where they will be easier to grab and clean.

We recommend the vacuum storage bags that protect against dust AND save you space!

7. Take out your shoes

Wondering how to fight dust in the bedroom? By leaving the shoes outside!

Shoes not only bring dirt back to us from the outside, but they also carry dust with them. So try to remove them when entering your home, or in any case, when entering your room.

For example, you can put storage near the front door, to make things easier.

8. Keep toys away from your pets

Toys, baskets or other ... Try to place them in another room, to avoid hair and dust. If you absolutely want to sleep with your pet, wash their basket regularly.

There you go, now you know how to avoid dust!

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Also to discover:

5 Efficient Dust Removal Tips without Swiffer Wipes.

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