Can I Freeze Foie Gras? My Answer So as not to spoil.

You have planned astronomical quantities of food for the holidays and here you are with too much foie gras on your back or rather in your hands ...

Foie gras is an expensive product that it would be a shame to throw away in the event of a surplus, especially at Christmas.

Such an expensive product, it would still be a shame to let it go to waste, especially since I am sure that you will surely be eating a little piece of it again in some time.

So can we freeze foie gras for less loss? Here is my answer: yes. How to freeze foie gras remains to be seen.

Rest assured ! Freezing cooked or semi-cooked foie gras is very easy. Look :

foie gras

How to do

1. Make sure that your store bought foie gras has never been frozen beforehand. Indeed, it is important not to refreeze a product that has already been frozen.

2. If your fatty liver can indeed be frozen, put it in a bag plastic freezer.

3. You can leave your foie gras in your freezer for a period of 4 to 6 months no problem.


And there you have it, no more wasting! Thanks to this simple trick, you can freeze the foie gras :-)

So is not life beautiful ? Tasting the pleasure of foie gras again even after the holidays is nice no :-)

You will therefore be able to eat a small piece of it to find the taste of holidays, great isn't it?

Savings made

What a sacrilege of to throw of foie gras. Already because it's excellent,but above all because it is expensive, too Dear to be put in the trash.

The freezerallows to keep a lot offood and we do a lot ofsavings on our budget food.

Speaking of freezer, be careful not to let her door big opened too long, to avoid wastage of freshness. You will do even moresavings.

Your turn...

And you, have you ever frozen your foie gras to keep it longer? Tell me in the comments.

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Also to discover:

Here's How To Cut Foie Gras Easily To Make Nice Slices.

How to Easily Unmold a Block of Foie Gras?

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