How to Clean and Maintain a Wooden Cutting Board Easily.

Everyone has a cutting board in their kitchen.

But we don't always know how to clean it properly ...

A while back, we told you how to clean a plastic cutting board.

And many of you have asked us how to do this with a wooden plank.

It is true that it is a little more complicated because it is impossible to put it in the dishwasher.

So what can you do to get rid of encrusted stains?

cleaning and maintaining a wooden cutting board

Here is the trick to properly cleaning a wooden cutting board, without using chemicals or breaking the bank. Look :

What you need

- salt

- lemon juice

- baking soda

- some water

- hydrogen peroxide at 30 volumes

- mineral oil for wood

How to do

Here are the instructions for a thorough cleaning of a cutting board.

Each step solves a specific problem, so don't hesitate to do only what you think is necessary for your board. You may not need to do everything.

how to clean wooden cutting board

My boyfriend bought this cutting board from a garage sale. She was in a state! Encrusted dirt, cigarette burns. So ... I did all the cleaning steps one by one.

This is a very good butcher's cutting board. That's why it was worth it to give it a new lease of life and therefore to do all the following steps.

As you can see the top of the cutting board was in a really bad shape. There was also a nice sticky spot right in the middle.

Step 1: scrub

Pour a pile of salt in the center of the board.

salt and lemon cutting board for cleaning

Add enough lemon juice to make a paste.

rub the wooden board with salt and lemon

cutting board make a cleaning paste with salt and lemon

Spread the paste on the board, then rub it for 2 to 3 minutes with a sponge.

salt and lemon to scrape a wooden board

Leave the salt and lemon mixture on the board for a few hours. The salt will cleanse the impurities and liquefy them.

Then rinse your board and dry it with paper towel.

Step 2: eradicate stains and odors

Pour a bunch of baking soda over the center of the board, then add enough water to form a paste.

remove odors from a wooden board with baking soda

Rub the entire board with this paste.

rub the board with baking soda

If you've scrubbed well, it should start to bring out the bad odors embedded in the board.

Rinse the board and dry it with paper towels.

Look how much prettier she is already!

wooden cutting board cleaned

No more stains or sticky areas.

Step 3: kill bacteria and disinfect

Mix 1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide in 4 cups of water. Then pour into a spray bottle.

wooden cutting board with hydrogen peroxide

Spray on the surface of the plank until it is soaked. Let sit for a few minutes.

let the board soak up hydrogen peroxide

Rinse with clean water and dry with paper towel.

Let the board dry completely before proceeding to the next step.

Step 4: feed the wood

Obtain special mineral oil to treat wooden kitchen accessories. This oil will allow the wood to slide.

put oil on the wooden chopping board

Pour mineral oil on a rag and rub the surface of the board.

The goal is to soak the cutting board with mineral oil to ensure good protection.

This board was so dry it absorbed everything in no time. Keep oiling it until it no longer absorbs.

put oil on the wooden cutting board

Let the board dry overnight. The next day, wipe off any remaining mineral oil. If you don't have mineral oil, you can also use linseed oil.

wipe off the excess oil on the wooden board


how to properly clean a cutting board

And There you go ! Your wooden cutting board has regained all its splendor :-)

You are now ready to cut a good steak, or why not, if you are a vegetarian, a nice apple.

This trick will also help protect your board.

Your turn...

Have you tried this recipe for cleaning a wooden or bamboo cutting board? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

How to Naturally Clean Your Cutting Board.

The Ingenious Work Plan To Make Your Kitchen Life Easier.

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