The Remedy To Calm A Spider Sting QUICKLY.

Did a spider bite you?

Is the area swollen, itches and burns you?

Are you looking for a treatment for itching?

Fortunately, there is a simple remedy to soothe the pain of a spider bite.

The quick trick is to put an ice cube in to numb the pain. Look :

calm a spider bite with an ice cube to numb

How to do

1. Take an ice cube.

2. Wrap it in a cloth.

3. Apply the rolled up ice cube to the spider bite.

4. Continue until the bite is numbed.


And There you go ! This home remedy calmed the spider bite in just a few minutes :-)

If you don't have ice cubes on hand, soak the bitten area in cool river or lake water, or just cold running tap water.

This trick works for all other bites: mosquitoes, wasps ...

Remember to disinfect the bite as soon as possible. For example with soap and water or an antiseptic spray.

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Also to discover:

The Miracle Solution to Soothe a Itchy Insect Bite.

9 Natural Tips to Keep Spiders Away from Your Home.

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