I Clean My Doormat With Baking Soda.
Is your doormat full of dust?
You no longer know how to clean your entrance mat?
Do not panic, it is not yet good to throw in the trash!
Fortunately, there is an effective grandma's trick to making a brand new doormat effortlessly.
The simple trick that works is to clean it with baking soda. I use it at least once a month and it is really effective. Look :
How to do
1. Wait until your doormat is completely dry.
2. Sprinkle it with baking soda.
3. Wait a few hours without touching it.
4. Then simply pass l'vacuum cleaner on the doormat, in order to permanently remove all dust residues.
There you go, your doormat is now very clean :-)
Easy, efficient and economical!
Your doormat looks brand new and it can still last a long time.
Whatever their shape and size, doormats are real dust nests.
You have to remember to clean them from time to time in order to keep them as long as possible in good condition.
Taking your doormat and banging it against the wall is not necessarily the right thing to do because it will only move the dust!
And that won't take away the problem in depth.
Baking soda sanitizes the doormat and destroys bad smells.
Bonus tip
What works for my doormat also works for my carpet. I therefore do not deprive myself of using the same method for her!
Your turn...
Have you ever used this trick to clean your doormat? If you know of another one, leave us a comment! We can't wait to hear from you!
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43 Amazing Uses for Baking Soda.
34 Uses of Baking Soda That Will Make Your Life Easier.