10 Amazing Uses of White Vinegar IN THE GARDEN.

White vinegar is a natural product that works wonders.

It is known for cleaning and maintaining the house ...

... but we don't always think of using it for the garden.

Yet it is a super economical product (less than € 0.50 per liter) which is respectful of nature.

So, why not switch to white vinegar in your garden?

here is 10 amazing uses of white vinegar for budding gardeners. Look :

10 uses of white vinegar in the garden

1. Removes lime from flower pots

clean the terracotta pots with white vinegar

With water infiltration, terracotta flowerpots often have unattractive white traces ... To make them disappear, simply soak the pot in pure white vinegar. Check out the trick here.

2. Eliminate weeds between the slabs

remove weeds between the slabs easily without chemicals

To remove the weeds between the paving slabs, spray them with pure vinegar. Prefer a very sunny day so that the herbs "grill" quickly. Check out the trick here.

3. Removes weeds

how to remove weeds easily with white vinegar

If you have weeds in your garden, you can use white vinegar to kill them. To do this, spray it with pure white vinegar on a day in full sun. Be careful not to spill over on your flowers or vegetables which would also perish. Check out the trick here.

4. Scare away ants

natural ant repellent

To scare away ants, spray white vinegar on door and window frames or any areas where they pass. They hate white vinegar so they will avoid the area. Discover the trick here in point 4.

5. Keep cats out of your garden

natural cat repellent with white vinegar

Don't want cats in certain areas of your yard? The simple and effective solution to keep them away is to spray white vinegar on the areas where you don't want them to go. This trick also works to keep them away from where they scratch. If needed, add a few drops of eucalyptus or lemongrass essential oil to enhance the effect. Check out the trick here.

6. Make flowers last twice as long

extend the life of cut flowers

As incredible as it may sound, white vinegar has the power to make cut flowers last longer. To do this, add 2 tablespoons of white vinegar and 1 teaspoon of sugar to the water in the vase. And enjoy your flowers twice as long! It works for all flowers, including roses. Check out the trick here.

7. Increases flowering of flowers

tip for acidifying garden soil rhododendron azalea

Some flowers love soils with an acidic pH. They even need it to have abundant flowering. This is the case, for example, with hydrangeas, rhododendrons, gardenias and azaleas. To make your plants produce more flowers, water them weekly with a mixture of vinegar water: 4 liters of water for 3 tablespoons of white vinegar. Check out the trick here.

8. Easily removes rust from tools

how to remove rust from a tool easily

If you have rusty tools, white vinegar is your best bet. To do this, simply soak them in white vinegar for about fifteen minutes. Then rinse and dry the tool. Check out the trick here.

9. Protects plants from mold

how to naturally treat leaves with fungi

White vinegar is a natural and powerful fungicide. If you have plants infested with fungus or mold, don't panic. Spray the leaves with an infusion of chamomile in which you will add 2 teaspoons of white vinegar. Much more economical than chemicals sold on the market! And in addition it is not harmful for the planet. Discover the trick here in point 12.

10. Make seeds germinate faster

how to germinate seeds with white vinegar

To germinate seeds that are struggling to come out of the ground, soak them in this solution. Mix 500 ml of water, 125 ml of white vinegar and a drop of organic dishwashing liquid. Leave them in there overnight, and immediately plant them in the ground. It works with all seeds including okra (or okra), asparagus, sunflowers and all other seeds that do not germinate easily.

Your turn...

Have you tried white vinegar in the garden? Tell us in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

If You Use White Vinegar In The Garden, These 13 Miracles Will Happen.

The Quick Hint To Kill Weeds With White Vinegar.

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