3 Sports to Practice in the Morning to Get Fit for the Day!

A good day starts with some physical activity. However, not all sports are recommended.

What sports can you practice when you get out of bed?

How do you go about exercising in the morning without exhausting yourself for the day?

Here are the 3 morning activities that will help you get off on the right foot.

1. Yoga for a Gentle Awakening

This activity is probably the best suited to wake you up gently and give you energy before starting the day. The different postures will allow you to awaken your senses, especially your proprioception (perception of the body), to relax your muscles and make them work smoothly.

We had already published a tip on the 4 tips for getting in shape in the morning. Read it again if necessary to complete my article.

To start the day on the right foot, repeat the following sequence three times:

  • 5 good mornings

  • Fall: hold 30 s

  • 8 squats

  • Prayer: hold 30 s

  • 5 push-ups

  • Fan: hold 30 s on each side

2. The Walk to be in a Good Mood

If the sun is present, do not hesitate to put your nose outside. In addition to activating your cardiovascular system, you will draw energy from the sunlight. Walking won't relax you as much as yoga, but it will definitely put you in a great mood.

3. Swimming for Optimal Weight Loss

If you have an hour and a half ahead of you, swimming will provide you with an effective muscle wake-up focused on weight loss. Unlike previous activities, it is imperative to take a solid breakfast before, because this sport is high in calories.

Tips to Save Your Energy for the Day

Drink an energy drink. During the night your body lost water and energy. To avoid the blow of bar, absorb a glass of orange juice diluted in a bottle of 500 ml of water before, during and after your session.

Do not exceed 20 minutes of exercise. Physical activity should remain a pleasure that awakens your senses. Beyond 20 minutes, your body may tire, which will negate the benefits of your session.

Practice at moderate intensity. If you are not used to exercising when getting out of bed, take it moderately or you risk exhaustion throughout the day.

Don't forget the breakfast. Once your session is over, have a full breakfast while finishing yourself hydrate. Eat slightly more than usual because your body will maintain a high metabolism throughout the morning.

Morning sport is a great way to start your day off right, as long as you follow these tips. Leave a comment for any additional information. And above all, don't forget: move smart!

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The 10 Morning Rituals That Will Change Your Life.

Plank Exercise: The 7 Incredible Benefits For Your Body.

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