The Secret Trick To Eradicate Traces In The Toilet Bowl.

I don't know about you, but I hate it when there are traces on the toilet bowl!

But with a large family at home, the spots return quickly ...

But no need to buy a bleach toilet gel to clean them!

Not only is it not cheap, it is also 100% toxic.

Fortunately, I have found a natural and super effective trick to eradicate traces in a very dirty toilet bowl.

The trick is use a baking soda paste and scrub with a brush. Look :

How to clean the toilet bowl with baking soda easily

What you need

- bicarbonate

- Hot water

- cleaning brush

- cloth

- bowl

How to do

1. In the bowl, pour three parts of baking soda and one part of hot water.

2. Pour the paste on the cleaning brush or directly on the traces.

3. Scrub the stains with the brush.

4. Flush the toilet


And There you go ! The toilet bowl has returned to its pristine white :-)

No more black spots on the toilet bowl that spit!

Easy, fast and efficient, isn't it?

This trick works on all types of traces: yellow, blue, green, red or brown.

And it also works for wall tiles around the toilet as well as for the toilet seat.

Why does it work?

The baking soda will act on stubborn traces by eliminating them.

The granular side of bicarbonate effectively loosens impurities.

In addition to sanitizing the toilet bowl, baking soda effortlessly deodorizes.

Your turn...

Have you tried this trick to eradicate stubborn traces on the toilet bowl? Tell us in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

The Super Efficient Trick To Clean The Toilet Bowl Effortlessly.

The best way to descale your toilet.

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