Simple Child Safety for Closet Doors.

Worried about your kids getting their fingers caught in closet doors?

Or that they do not open them and take the dangerous products they contain?

Better to secure everything with little ones! Yes, but there you go ... Child safety accessories are often expensive.

Luckily my parents had a great way to block all closets when we were kids. With mine, I did the same.

This simple trick to securing closet doors is to block them with rubberbands, otherwise known as rubber bands. Look :

rubberbands secure cupboard doors

How to do :

1. Collect large rubber bands.

2. Simply wrap them around the closet cuffs, as in the photo.


And there you have it, impossible to open the cupboards without the help of an adult :-)

Simple, practical, economical and efficient!

Don't have big rubber bands? You can get them here for less than 5 €.

Your turn...

Have you tried this easy trick to secure closet doors? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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