Trash that stinks? How To Clean It So That It Looks Clean And Smells Good.

Garbage cans have the annoying tendency to smell bad quickly ...

This is normal with all the rubbish that we put in it!

Fortunately, there is a simple and effective trick to cleaning and removing odors from a stinky trash can.

The trick to disinfect and deodorize it, is to wash it with white vinegar and washing up liquid. Look :

How to clean and deodorize a trash can with white vinegar and dish soap

What you need

- 250 ml of white vinegar

- Dishwashing liquid

- 1 liter of water

- sponge

- bucket

How to do

1. Pour the water into the bucket.

2. Add the white vinegar.

3. Put a few drops of dishwashing liquid.

4. Dip the sponge into the mixture.

5. Sponge the outside of the trash can.

6. Rinse it.

7. Dip it back into the bucket.

8. Pass it inside the trash can.

9. Let the trash can dry upside down with the lid open.


How to clean, deodorize and disinfect the kitchen trash can with white vinegar

And there you have it, your trash is now perfectly clean and smells clean :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, isn't it?

No more dirty and smelly trash in the kitchen!

It's simple, practical and efficient! And it is also very economical.

Not only is it clean, but thanks to the white vinegar, it is also disinfected and deodorized.

As soon as it is dry, you can put your trash back in the kitchen without worrying about bad smells or bacteria.

And to prevent it from getting dirty too quickly, here is the trick to prevent your trash bag from leaking.

Bonus tip

If your trash can has a bin inside, like mine, just use the same technique to clean both containers: the bin and the bin inside.

And it works for all bins, plastic, metal or stainless steel and even for automatic bins.

Why does it work?

White vinegar is very acidic, with its pH between 2 and 3. The acetic acid it contains makes it a very good antibacterial.

This particularity makes it very effective against the bacteria which abound in the trash cans.

In addition to being a powerful disinfectant, white vinegar is also a real odor destroyer. It perfectly eliminates bad odors.

The added washing-up liquid removes dirt or traces of grease encrusted on the walls of the bin without rubbing.

The result is that the bin comes out nickel chrome and free from foul odors.

Your turn...

Did you try that grandma's trick for cleaning the trash? Tell us in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

Garbage Can Smells Bad? The Trick To Deodorize It With Baking Soda.

My sure-fire tip to keep your trash always smelling good.

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