18 Photos of People Who Found A Trick To Protect The Christmas Tree From Cat And Dog.

We all know that pets are just as excited about Christmas as we are.

Dogs and cats love to see us decorate our Christmas tree.

The concern is that they often take these decorations as toys.

Result, if you do not protect your Christmas tree, you risk finding it in a sorry state!

Fortunately, here is 18 photos of people who have found tips to protect their tree from their dog or cat. Look :

15 tips to protect Christmas trees from dogs and cats

1. "The best way I have found to put a Christmas tree with a fox in the house"

Christmas tree hanging from the ceiling so it won't be damaged by the fox

But what is this fox doing in a house ?!

2. "Our dog kept eating the decorations. Here is our tip"

Vacuum cleaners placed in front of the Christmas tree to protect it from the dog

3. Here is the Christmas tree for all cat owners

Christmas tree completely bare so that the cat does not play with it

4. Christmas is saved!

White Christmas tree in a white box to protect it

5. "Every time he tries to climb on the Christmas tree, he is put on a disguise for 15 min."

Cat who is disguised as Santa Claus as he climbed on the tree

6. The perfect Christmas tree for homes with a cat

Christmas balls hanging from the ceiling with the cat looking at them

7. "This is how we hung our Christmas tree today"

Cat looking at a Christmas tree hanging from the ceiling so it doesn't jump on it

8. How to protect your Christmas tree from your cat? Use a cage to put the tree

Christmas tree inside a cage to protect it from the cat

9. And it also works for big dogs!

Big dog in front of a Christmas tree which is in a cage to protect it

10. "I think I finally found the solution"

Christmas tree that is hung on a vacuum cleaner to protect it from the black cat

11. The Christmas tree is saved (or almost)!

2 white and black cats that are under a bare Christmas tree

12. The Christmas tree is now well protected from the dog

Christmas tree in a cage to protect it from a dog that eats the decorations

13. "Here is our Christmas tree because of our cat jumping super high!"

Small bare Christmas tree with a star on top to protect it from the black cat

14. "No, no, we didn't forget to decorate half of the tree. He's finished there!"

Christmas tree that is half decorated so as not to be damaged by the pet

15. "We had to put our tree on the terrace!"

Christmas tree on the terrace so that the cat does not drop it

16. "My son told me he had to protect the tree from the dog ... It's not what I expected"

Christmas tree protected by chairs so that the dog does not climb on it

17. Problem solved!

Christmas tree which is picture form hanging on the wall

18. "To protect our Christmas tree from the cat, we bought a small one and put it on the fridge"

Small Christmas tree lying on the fridge

Your turn...

Do you know other tips to protect the tree from your dog or cat? Share them in the comments with our community. We can't wait to hear from you!

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