The Secret Trick To Remove Water Stains From A Wooden Table.

Is there a water stain on your wooden table inherited from your grandmother?

The white spots appear from the glasses on the table.

Even using coasters, we still manage to make a stain without doing it on purpose.

Fortunately, here is the solution to removing a water stain from the dining table.

The trick is to use toothpaste to remove water spots:

How to remove a white water stain from a wooden table with toothpaste

How to do

1. Take white toothpaste.

2. Put some toothpaste directly on the water stain.

3. Leave on for a few minutes.

4. Gently rub the white spot with a clean cloth.


There you go, you will see the water stain disappear immediately before your eyes :-)

If it doesn't go away right away, at least it will fade away.

Be careful, gel toothpastes or colored toothpaste do not work for this trick. Be sure to use white toothpaste.

Be aware that you don't need to rub hard or for a long time to see the result. In fact, it is even the opposite.

Because if you rub too long or next to the stain, there is a risk that you will enlarge the mark by damaging the finish and the top layer of the wood.

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Also to discover:

The Incredible Trick To Remove Water Stains From Wooden Furniture.

How to Remove a White Spot from a Wooden Table.

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