The Best Tip to Avoid Mold in Your Fridge.

Tired of seeing mold forming on the joints of your fridge and having to clean your moldy fridge?

This sometimes happens on old refrigerators that are a few years old.

It is fine to rub regularly, by force the molds settle down anyway.

Fortunately, my grandmother has a very simple trick to avoid it and avoid mold.

The trick to avoiding humidity in the fridge is to put a dry sponge in it. Look :

a dry sponge absorbs moisture from the fridge

How to do

1. Take a clean sponge.

2. Make sure it is completely dry.

3. Put it in your fridge.


There you go, no more mold in the fridge! Thanks to this grandmother's trick, you eliminate mold in the fridge :-)

Simple, practical and efficient!

Besides, it's very economical, isn't it? And that avoids buying a moisture absorber for the fridge.

And if you need to clean your fridge to remove mold, I recommend this tip.

Why does it work?

The sponge absorbs the moisture that is released in the fridge and which is responsible for mold.

So, impossible for mold to take hold!

Your turn...

Have you tried this economical trick to avoid mold in the fridge? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

10 Tips that Work to Remove Bad Smells from the Fridge.

The Absolute Must-Know Tip for Cleaning a Sponge.

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