Zipper Stuck? 3 Tips To Unlock It Without Breaking It.

Is your coat zipper stuck?

No need to force it!

You may break it or damage the fabric.

To easily loosen your zipper, here are 3 tips that work very well:

1. Rub with a candle

Use candle to loosen a zipper

The 1st tip is to use a candle.

Rub the inside as well as the outside of the zipper with a piece of candle.

And presto, the slide slides much more easily, it's magic!

2. Scrub with soap

Use soap to unlock a zipper

The 2nd tip is to use soap.

Simply rub the zipper with the soap.

The result is just as effective.

3. Rub with a pencil

How to unlock a stuck zipper with a pencil

Last trick that works just as well as the others is the pencil.

Just rub the lead of the pencil on the teeth of the zipper to loosen it.

And hop, it slips again!

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Also to discover:

The Trick So That Your Jeans Zipper Won't Open.

An Unstoppable Tip to Help Your Child Close their Zipper.

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