The Fun Trick to Convert iPhone into Ruler in 30 Seconds.

Do you need a ruler?

If you have an iPhone, you have a rule!

One ruler + one iPhone = one ruler on iPhone.

It is not more complicated than that.

Find out how to turn your iPhone into a measuring ruler in under 30 seconds.

Look :

turn iphone into measuring ruler

How to do

1. Take a picture of your ruler.

2. Click on edit.

3. Then click on Crop (lower right icon) to crop the ruler to the size of the screen so that it displays the correct measurement.


And there you have it, you have turned your iPhone into a rule :-)

For example, the screen size of an iPhone 4 is 7.5 cm. The iPhone 5 measures approximately 12 cm. And an iPhone 6 measures 14 cm. This is what your image should indicate.

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