The Ingenious Tip To Make Beautiful Vegetable Garden Labels in 2 Min.

Are you looking for labels for the plants in your garden and the fruits and vegetables in your kitchen garden?

Everyone has already bought the small slates which give a very decorative side to its flower bed or its aromatic herbs.

Here is an equally trendy tip that will allow you to stand out by making your own labels in 2 minutes for the vegetable patch and garden.

The big advantage is that it's really cheap, if not free.

All you need is a wooden pick and a wine or champagne bottle stopper. Look :

Labels to identify plants, fruits and vegetables in the garden and vegetable patch

How to do

1. On each stopper, write the name of your plant in felt-tip pen.

2. Stick a skewer in your cork.

3. Install your labels in your vegetable garden.


A vegetable patch made with a stopper and a pick

And there you have it, you have great free labels for your vegetable garden :-)

So when you open a bottle, don't throw away your cork, you're going to need it.

Since you have a green thumb, do you know this sure-fire tip for germinating seeds in your garden?

This tip is excellent, because it protects your seeds from birds and the cold and also allows them to germinate faster!

Do you like this trick ? Share it with your friends on Facebook.

Also to discover:

A Free and Easy to Make Vegetable Garden!

A Hedgehog in the Vegetable Garden: my Tips for Attracting and Installing it Durably!

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