I Relieve My Hangover By Drinking Salted Coffee.

Hangovers are painful!

So, there will always be someone to tell you "well done for you, you just had not to drink" ...

OK. I accept the criticism.

But, while waiting to make good resolutions, I take care of myself.

To relieve my hangover, I drink salty coffee

salty coffee cures hangovers

I remember a wedding I went to a few years ago. One of my friends had drunk a little too much.

I saw someone offer him salty coffee. At first, I almost pulled her from her hands, thinking that the salty coffee taste would just make her throw up and feel worse after that.

But this person seemed so sure of herself, that I let her. She explained to me that her parents had always done this. In fact, salty coffee eliminates the leftover alcohol in stomach.

Okay, and even if you get nauseous when you drink it, it's not a big deal compared to the unpleasant effects the next day.

To drink at the end of the evening when you feel you've overdone it. Then, drink plenty of water before going to bed. To complete, follow this banana-based recipe the next morning.

Convinced? Come tell me how you are doing in your comments.

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Also to discover:

7 Surprising Remedies to Treat Your Hangover.

Finally an Effective Recipe To Treat Hangovers.

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