My Magic Pschitt TO END WITH FLIES.

With the heat, the flies are unfortunately back!

But no need to buy a chemical insecticide to eradicate them ...

Not only is it bad for indoor air, but it costs a fortune!

Fortunately, there is a simple and effective pschitt recipe to kill flies.

More, this miracle recipe to scare away these flying insects has only 2 ingredients. Look :

spray with white vinegar and cinnamon to repel flies effectively

What you need

- 250 ml of white vinegar

- 1 cinnamon stick

- 10 drops of dishwashing liquid

- spray bottle

How to do

1. Put the white vinegar in the bottle.

2. Add the cinnamon stick.

3. Pour in the washing-up liquid.

4. Close the bottle and shake well.

5. Let the cinnamon steep in the white vinegar for two hours.

6. Spray all over the house including: edges of windows, doors, tables, worktops and kitchen cupboards ...


A transparent spray with white vinegar and cinnamon as a fly repellent

And There you go ! Your natural fly repellent is already ready :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, isn't it?

No more flies that invade us as soon as the sun comes out!

It's still better than spraying chemicals in the indoor air ...

This repellent based on white vinegar and cinnamon is 100% natural!

So no risk to your health or that of your children and animals.

Additional advice

Clean surfaces thoroughly before spraying cinnamon insecticide on them, indoors or outdoors.

As it does not stain, you can also put it on textiles: clothes, curtains, sheets ...

A cinnamon fly repellent for animals? It is also effective for horses for example.

It is enough to spray this mixture on the saddle pads, cap or protections of the limbs, avoiding the mucous membranes.

This spray works against flies, midges, mosquitoes, ants and all other insects that come into your home.

Why does it work?

Insects hate the smell of cinnamon, it is a natural repellant in nature.

Added to white vinegar which has a very strong odor, insects will no longer approach your house.

This mixture repels insects, but it also kills their eggs. Convenient not to be invaded!

Your turn...

Have you tried this grandmother's recipe to repel flies naturally? Tell us in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

13 Natural Tips To Kill Flies Permanently.

What to do against flies? Here Is A Very Effective Homemade Repellent.

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