"Definitely THE Best Technique To Sharpen Your Knives."

Need to sharpen a knife that doesn't cut very well?

But you don't have a knife sharpener at home?

No need to buy a rifle over 15 euros to sharpen the blade.

Here is the best technique for sharpening your knives.

Take out a ceramic bowl and rub the blade up and down on the edge of the bowl:

How to sharpen a knife without a rifle with a bowl

How to do

1. Take a ceramic bowl.

2. Turn the bowl over and place it on the table upside down.

3. Rub the blade up and down on the rim of the bowl.


There you go, your knife is sharp, ready to cut anything :-)

It's certainly the best way to sharpen knives when you don't have a gun at home.

If you don't have a bowl in your kitchen, that also works with a ceramic mug.

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Also to discover:

Grandma's Trick To Easily Sharpen Scissors.

The Tip To Save A LOT of Money on Razor Blades.

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