Hair with a Guaranteed "Beach Effect" in 5 minutes!

Is your hair desperately flat?

Nothing like a little volume to have sexy hair.

And no need to spend a fortune at the hairdresser.

For summer, we adopt the beach effect to modify the texture of our hair and gain density in 5 minutes!

The secret ? The nasal spray! Yes you read that right, the nasal spray. Look :

to have a beach effect on your hair use salt water

1. Salt water for "Wild" hair

the nasal spray is a wonderful DIY technique to easily get volume. If you have one in your pharmacy, you will be able to find another use for it than to unclog congested nostrils.

On dry hair, take a comb and spray it with a nasal spray with salt water.

Lightly backcomb your hair with this water by combing it in the opposite direction.

Head down, blow dry your hair by crumpling it between my fingers. This will give your hair a natural, slightly wavy look.

Why a nasal spray? Because it contains salt, which will have the effect of dry out your hair and give them a more dense texture.

If, however, you do not have a nasal spray:

Don't panic, the principle is simple (you need salt), we are going to make one:

In a small glass bottle (about 50 ml) with a spray as a tip, pour a handful of coarse salt.

Wait until the salt has dissolved in the water and shake to mix everything well.

Your spray is ready to use.

As explained above, spray your hair with this salt water, especially on the roots, because this is where you get volume for pretty hair.

Head down, blow dry your hair, backcombing a bit if needed to increase the volume further.

Keep this lotion in the refrigerator, no more than three days to prevent the water from stagnating for too long. You can use it as many times as you want.

2. The alternative to dry shampoo

Another possible alternative to obtain voluminous hair “back to the beach” style: dry shampoo. Ideal between two shampoos.

Formerly in the form of a white powder, a bit like talc, dry shampoo is now often used as a spray, like hairspray.

At a good distance (about 30 to 40 cm from the hair), spray your hair with this dry shampoo.

Emphasize roots because it is here that the sebum becomes encrusted and greases our hair.

Using your fingers, knead your hair by performing light head massages.

Brush your hair from root to tip to remove excess.


Dry shampoo dries out hair, much like seawater.

So, it gives almost the same result as nasal spray or homemade salt water.

Drier and also duller, the hair obtains this very "wild" and trendy "beach return" effect.

And the positive point : As soon as the hair loses its volume slightly, you can easily replace it with your fingers.

It's a good alternative, an in-between shampoo that leaves your hair looking clean and full for longer.

To get it, go to supermarkets, pharmacies or specialized stores or directly on the internet.

Your turn...

Did you know my little secrets to have volume in your hair, natural and sexy way? Tell me your tips in the comments.

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Also to discover:

My Quick Homemade Hair Spray Recipe for Fine Hair.

A Natural and Original Treatment to Give Volume to your Hair.

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