Couple: You don't deserve someone who comes back after leaving you. You deserve someone who NEVER leaves you.

I've always asked myself this question:

"Why do some people change their mind after making the decision to leave someone?"

It's crazy anyway, isn't it?

Myself, I confess that when someone broke with me ...

... I tended to wait impatiently for the day when he would reconsider his decision!

The day that person realizes that they had made a mistake and that in fact, she preferred to make her life with me rather than without me.

Why You deserve someone who NEVER leaves you.

But that was before ! Because, over time, I realized that this kind of story is way too complicated for me.

And above all, that there was much better ... The best is simply to be with the one that never leaves you.

And this despite the chaos of life, despite the cluster of problems you have to face, despite all the external temptations ...

In fact, you have to be with someone who CHOOSES to stay with you every day, no matter what.

You deserve a person who loves you the way you are

Couple who love each other and take each other by the arm

The truth is, you deserve someone who will stay with you, even if you confide in them your shame, your fears, and your complexes.

You deserve someone who doesn't judge you despite your past.

Someone who accepts this complicated past or what you take for flaws.

You deserve someone who never leaves you, no matter what your circumstances.

You deserve a person who doesn't run away from your feelings

A couple who love each other and look at the horizon together

You also deserve someone who doesn't run away when you express your feelings.

Someone who lets you tell him how happy you want him to be.

This person will not be afraid to hear that they are unique to you. That you've never felt that way.

And that spending your days watching her and your nights in her arms is a gift.

You deserve someone who stays even if your passion is sometimes consuming.

She's not afraid of your emotions because she's not afraid of the way you like her.

You deserve a person who does not give in to temptation

A couple who are close to each other and who do not risk going elsewhere

You deserve someone who stays because he or she doesn't care what you earn.

Someone who does not leave you when he is at the peak of his career or his personal development.

A person who loves you for the way you are and doesn't care about the supposedly "better" people around them.

Most importantly, the mere idea of ​​exploring these other "options" doesn't even cross her mind. Why ?

Because this person is aware of how lucky they are to have you. She knows your values ​​and what makes you unique.

You deserve someone who makes you understand what loving faithfully means.

To discover : The 10 Ways Men Can Destroy Their Marriage.

You deserve someone who recognizes your qualities

You also deserve someone who stays by your side even when life is a struggle. Or if everyday life becomes a little less exciting at some point.

Someone who understands that you can doubt yourself and your abilities.

She will then help you find a solution when you are confused, lost or tired.

You deserve someone who reminds you of how strong you are.

Even though you can be successful on your own, he or she wants to be there and share your battles and victories.


The bottom line is that we would all like to see a loved one return after we have left us.

But, in fact, what we should wish for is rather to be with someone who never leaves us.

Someone who gives up at some point in a relationship is likely to do it again.

While a person who has decided to stay by your side regardless of the situation is exactly the one you must choose to love.

This is the one you deserve.

If you also want your relationship to last, I recommend the book "The 5 languages ​​of love" by Gary Chapman.

Buy Book 5 languages ​​of love cheap

This book literally saved my couple more than once! Good reading :-)

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The 15 Absurd Behaviors That Seriously Harm Your Relationship.

21 Adorable Couple Life Drawings That Will Warm Your Heart.

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