The Tip To Clean A Non-Stick Frying Pan WITHOUT Damaging.

Non-stick pans are often very delicate. Some are even too fragile to go in the dishwasher.

Are you looking for a way to clean your pan without damaging the non-stick coating?

Fortunately, there is a natural product that respects this type of stove. This is bicarbonate.

how to wash non-stick pan without damaging

How to do

As soon as cooking is finished:

1. Put 1 or 2 tablespoons of baking soda in the pan.

2. Add about 2 cm of hot water.

3. Leave to act if possible on the still hot plate.


And There you go ! Your stove is cleaned without being damaged :-)

This trick eliminates anything that sticks to the bottom of the pan and in addition it reinforces its non-stick properties.

Your turn...

Have you tried that grandma's trick for cleaning a non-stick pan? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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