32 Surprising Uses of Wood Ash: Don't Miss # 28!

Did you know that wood ash has many uses, each one as surprising as the next?

Do not throw it away, because wood ash can simplify your life and help you achieve considerable savings.

In addition, the uses of wood ash are extremely varied. Its virtues are very numerous

She can help you in the garden, at home - and even unlock your car from the snow !

Here are 32 surprising uses of wood ash you should know about:

How do I use wood ash?

1. To wash clothes and do housework

With this ash lye-based water, you can clean and disinfect laundry, surfaces, plates and cutlery and even rust marks on marble surfaces.

Click here to find out the trick.

2. To remove stains from wooden furniture

Usesimplya paste made from chimney ash and water.

3. To detach a garment

When you have just stained a garment, immediately sprinkle the stain with a little ash. Wait 5 min. Then, rub the wood-burning ash with breadcrumbs and the stain will disappear.

4. To eliminate bad odors

Sprinkle ash directly on the smelly spots. For example, in the cat litter box.

5. To remove stubborn odors from the fridge

Puta plate of charcoal ash in the refrigerator. Change the ash until the smell is completely gone.

6. To brush your teeth

Did you know that you can use homemade tooth powder made from wood ash? It is an excellent alternative to commercial toothpastes, which contain toxic products of questionable effectiveness.

Click here to find out the trick.

Wood ash-based toothpowder is a great natural alternative to store-bought toothpastes.

7. To wash your hair

Use wood ash soap as a shampoo. Then rinse your hair with white vinegar. This treatment is particularly effective for people who have the greasy hair.

Warning : only use wood ash soap that has dried for at least 6 weeks.

8. Our ancestors used wood ash as a fertilizer

It's a great way to recycle the natural nutrients from the ash and get them back into the soil. Ash can also be incorporated into compost (but it does not contain nitrogen). In addition, it helps to increase the pH level of the soil and increases the growth of plants.

Warning : As ash increases the pH level of the soil, it does not benefit all varieties of fruits and vegetables (for example, it is not beneficial to potatoes).

Click here to find out the trick.

9. To fortify plants that love calcium

Tomatoes, green beans, spinach, peas, avocados, garlic, roses, etc. Just add the equivalent of 4 mustard glasses of ash to the ground, before planting your plants.

Fortify plants with wood ash

10. To strengthen underwater plants

Just add a teaspoon of ash per liter of water.

11. To protect plants from frost

During very cold periods, sprinkle ash on your plants. It protects them from freezing.

12. To keep pests out of the garden

Insects and some pests (snails and slugs, for example) hate ash!

13. To keep ants away

If you sprinkle ash directly on the anthill, the ants will be forced to "move" because they will not be able to remove it and transport it elsewhere.

What to do with wood ash

14. To scare away mice and rats

Make small piles of wood ashes in the corners of your house and the nooks of your closet. As long as there is ash, you will not have mice, rats and unwanted insects (cockroaches, cockroaches, etc.).

15. To repel fleas, lice and ticks from your pets

Prepare a paste made from vinegar and wood ash. Then apply it to your pets' coats. It is not very nice to see, but it is extremely effective!

16. To protect your clothes from moths

Sprinkle some ash on the clothes in your closet. With wood ash, you can store your clothes for years without being attacked by moths. When you want to wear them, just shake them to remove the ash.

17. To make wood ash soap

Wood ash is used to make soap (potash). The process is a bit long, but it is well worth it for people who like it homemade.

18. To make your own sodium carbonate

Made from wood ash, sodium carbonate is a great ingredient to use in your homemade household products.

19. To have a green lawn

Sprinkle it with wood ashes. You will see, it is an excellent fertilizer.

Sprinkle wood ash on the lawn

20. To melt the ice

Usewood ash which naturally contains salt to melt ice in winter.

21. To make a filter

The pieces of charcoal in the ash can be used as a filter. Collect them to use them as a filter. See the following usage.

22. To filter cloudy wine

Sometimes the wine is cloudy and a thin film adheres to the glass. You can filter cloudy wine with the small pieces of charcoal found in the ash.

23. To absorb moisture

Charcoal absorbs moisture. Put a few pieces of charcoal in metal boxes. It absorbs moisture in cellars, cupboards and under the sink.

24. To extinguish a fire quickly

To quickly put out a fire, throw ash directly on it.

25. To store seeds and grains

At the time, seeds and grains were stored in large ceramic containers. They were then covered with a good layer of wood ash. It prevents insects from accessing and eating the seeds.

26. To disinfect wounds

The ash kills bacteria and speeds wound healing. Melt homemade soap in wood ash lye. Then clean the wound with this mixture, but WITHOUT rinsing it with clean water.

27. To preserve fruits and vegetables, the old-fashioned way

You don't have a fridge? Here is a tip that can help you out. To store your fruits and vegetables for weeks or even years, dig a hole in the ground and fill it with ashes. Then put your fruits and vegetables in the ash. Fruits and vegetables should not touch each other or touch the ground. Cover the hole with a wooden board, and you're done.

28. To unlock a car in the snow

Pour ash directly in front of the wheels. The grip will be much better and you should be able to unlock your car easily. This trick is much more effective than sand, salt or kitty litter.

Getting your car out of the snow is child's play with wood ash.

29. To preserve the rennet

If you make your own cheese, surely you are familiar with rennet (a natural product used to coagulate cheese). At the time, the ancients kept rennet in an animal horn. They covered it with ashes and sealed the horn with clay. Suspended in this way from a branch, rennet can be stored for several years.

30. To clean the glass of an oven

Dip newspaper moistened with wood ash. Scrub the glass, and the grime comes off very easily. It also works with the glass of a fireplace insert.

31. To protect vegetables in a vegetable patch

Against pests, sprinkle them with a little wood ash. I put it on my cabbages and it keeps aphids and other parasites away.

32. To keep eggs for months

In the Middle East, a mixture of clay, ash, salt, lime and rice bark is used to store eggs - for several months.

And There you go ! Now you know all the surprising uses for wood ash :-)

And you ? Do you know of any other interesting and practical uses of ash? Share them with us in the comments! We can't wait to hear from you! :-)

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Also to discover:

10 uses of wood ash you never thought of.

The Easy Way To Clean The Glass Of A Fireplace Insert.

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