Finally a Tip To Defrost Minced Meat Quickly.

Are you looking for a solution to defrost minced meat quickly?

Here is an effective tip to reduce defrosting time.

You will finally be able to eat your hamburger faster than expected!

All you need to do is flatten the meat as much as possible before putting it in the freezer:

Tip for defrosting minced meat faster

How to do

After filling the bags with ground meat, flatten them as much as possible before putting them in the freezer.

This way, when you take them out of the freezer, the defrosting time will be reduced :-)

If you want to reduce the defrosting time even more, you can also make lines in the freezer bag as in the photo below:

Make lines in the bag to reduce the thawing time of the minced meat

Convenient for making small, easy meals!

Your turn...

Have you tried this simple trick to defrost meat quickly? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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