How To Fold A Shirt Quickly Without Creasing It.

Tired of having wrinkled shirts?

It is true that it is not very classy especially to go to work ...

The problem is, it's not easy to fold a long-sleeved shirt quickly.

Fortunately, here is a easy way to fold an ironed shirt without wrinkling it.

Follow this practical guide and the folding of shirts will have no more secrets for you!

And this, even when you go on a trip. Look :

How to fold a shirt quickly without wrinkling it

How to do

1. Take your shirt.

2. Turn it over to lay it flat with the sleeves parted.

3. Fold the right sleeve inwards, following the vertical edge of the shirt.

4. Fold that same sleeve at the elbow, up. The wrist should touch the back of the shirt collar.

5. Do the same with the left sleeve: bring it inwards by folding it well at the level of the vertical edge of the shirt.

6. Then bend it at the elbow so that the wrist touches the back of the shirt collar.

7. Fold the right part of the shirt again, bringing it all the way to the center.

8. Do the same for the left side of the shirt. It should slightly overlap the right part previously folded down.

9. Fold the bottom of the shirt up, halfway down the collar and bottom.

10. Fold the shirt up again so that it touches the collar.

11. Flip the shirt onto its back.


Blue shirt folded well using this technique

And there you have it, you have folded your beautiful shirt without crumpling it :-)

No more wrinkled shirts to go to work!

Easy, fast and efficient, isn't it?

Once you have the technique in mind, it will go very quickly.

Obviously, it also works to store your shirts in the suitcase.

Very handy when you go on a business trip or for a wedding.

Your turn...

Have you tried this trick to quickly fold a shirt without wrinkling it? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

How to Smooth a Suit or Shirt WITHOUT Iron.

The Most Effective Way to Iron a Shirt Quickly.

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