2 Magic Tricks To Remove Rust Stains From Clothes.

Have you got rust stains on something?

A little DIY, some gardening and a rust stain soon arrived!

Are you looking for a simple and effective trick to remove it?

Fortunately, there is 2 magic tips to remove rust marks easily.

Don't worry, you don't even have to rub it like crazy! Look :

1. Lemon + Fine salt

Fine salt and lemon to remove rust from fabric

Ingredients : lemon juice, fine salt

Cover the rust stain with lemon juice and then put fine salt on it. Let your magic product act for an hour. Then scrub gently with a brush like this and rinse thoroughly with clean water. If there is any evidence of rust, start over again.

2. Baking soda + Lemon

Clean rust from a cloth with lemon and baking soda

Ingredients : 1 tablespoon of baking soda, the juice of one lemon

This grandmother's trick is a classic for removing a rust stain, but it's still as effective as ever! Squeeze the juice from one lemon and pour it into a container. Add the baking soda and mix. It will foam! Apply your potion to the rust stain. And let it do its job for 15 min. Then with a sponge, rub on the stain. And rinse. Hop, no more stain!


And there you have it, now you know how to easily remove rust stains from clothes :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, isn't it?

And you don't even have to buy rust remover!

These natural solutions are much more effective, but also much more economical.

And they work whatever the fabric: cotton, wool, colored or white clothing, on an old sheet, a tablecloth and even on old fabrics.

Bonus tip

Sometimes the rust stain is really well encrusted in the fabric, after a hot wash for example.

In this case, boil some water and place the garment with the stain over the pot, in the steam. The steam will help remove the rust stain.

Second step: squeeze a lemon juice and rub the stain with it. All you have to do is put your laundry in the machine as usual.

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