How to Keep a Beautiful Ficus benjamina despite the Autumn?

Hello friends of the ficus benjamina! Autumn already: it's time to bring in your Ficus, which has made the most of the summer! So follow my advice to Keep a Beautiful Ficus benjamina in great shape!

Light but not for tanning!

Mr. Ficus - even more if its leaves are variegated (green / yellow for example) - loves bright light, but he hates being burnt in the sun. So I try to find him in the house a very bright room and without direct sunlight! Otherwise, hello the fall of leaves ...

A little drizzle on the foliage for a dazzling green!

Mr. Ficus also likes a a little humid atmosphere (Radiators tend to dry out the ambient air too much. Misting its leaves with a water spray will give it a little ambient humidity that will do him good. I always use distilled or rain water to avoid the ugly lime stains on the leaves!

Freshness, Freshness !!!

Mr. Ficus appreciates fresh pieces, even in winter. I pamper him by placing him in a poorly heated room (15 ° C is more than enough)! And he thanks me by preparing me lots of small soft green leaves ...

To drink, to eat, but just enough!

Mr. Ficus has need water, but not too much ! Once a week, I water my ficus with non-hard water (rainwater for example) and a little fertilizer by bringing it inside (special green plant sticks, three times a year depending on the size of the pot). I always wait for the soil to dry out a bit between two waterings.

Help ! Monsieur Ficus Loses His Leaves ...

Mr. Ficus moults. Yes Yes ! Some of its leaves drop each year and this is normal. What is less is that he lose green leaves. There, either he caught a draft or the ambient temperature suddenly changed, or he is stressed because his pot has just been moved, or because it is too dark. Mr. Ficus is depressed in the fall. Reflex: I do not increase the watering, it will pass by itself.

Tips for Keeping a Ficus at the top!

Natural treatments:

- yellow leaves = mites (also wrongly called red spiders). A good regular misting makes it possible to limit their proliferation. If necessary, I use a biological remedy to eliminate them when the attack is too strong or a few drops of black soap diluted in the sprayer.

- mealybugs = floury (white and mobile) or shield (brown and fixed) they are real fists! They suck the sap of Mr. Ficus which weakens. For mealy, an auxiliary can easily overcome (particular ladybug) for shields, a cotton swab soaked in methylated spirits overcomes a small amount.

And finally, the Little Extras that Make it Magnificent!

My mom has a magnificent Ficus (it was sometimes used as a Christmas tree, that is to say) and some can become superb with good care! Surfacing of the pot each spring (replacement of a little top soil) and a small maintenance pruning is sufficient for larger plants. The must ? Offer him a exit to the garden - but especially in the shade !!! - from April to October : he'll love it! But tie up taller subjects securely to prevent them from catastrophic fall.

You also have a Ficus benjamina from impressive size ? How did you manage to maintain it in good health ? And what natural secrets have you found for eliminate parasites who contaminate it or save a seriously ill? Quick quick ! Jardimaline awaits all your best comments on this subject!

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Coffee grounds, a very good free fertilizer for your plants.

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