5 Remedies That Work To Get Rid of Ingrown Hair.

I'm sure this has happened to you before after waxing.

You know those painful little red bumps that ruin the smoothness of your hair removal.

Besides, whether you made it with a razor or with wax, they still appear.

Normally, hair grows at the follicle level and grows up and out of the skin.

An ingrown hair, as the name suggests, grows at an angle in the skin. Worse yet, it turns around and pushes down and grows into the skin.

Ingrown Hair Natural Solution: 5 Natural Remedies To Get Rid Of Ingrown Hair

Folliculitis is an infection of the hair follicle. It can be the consequence of the ingrown hair. And it can eventually be accompanied by the formation of a pus-filled pustule.

Ingrown hairs are caused by waxing or shaving. It is very common with thick or curly hair.

This is why they are more common with pubic hair or those of the beard ... the 2 worst places where you do not want to undergo that!

As long as it is necessary to shave or wax, the miracle product with ingrown hairs will not exist ....

So how do you get rid of ingrown hairs?

Rest assured, there are home remedies to prevent them, relieve the area, and speed healing.

These remedies are effective and will allow you to treat ingrown hairs as long as you don't scratch them. Look :

1. Bring out the hair with this technique

ingrown hair bikini grandmother's remedy: olive oil and sugar scrub

Let's be frank, there is a certain sense of relief and satisfaction when you are waxing.

But, when ingrown hairs decide to appear, it's immediately less nice ...

It's ugly and it hurts, so much so that you want to get rid of it as quickly as possible.

Know that there is a right and a wrong way to get the hair out of there. If you do it the wrong way, you will end up with a nasty infection that is likely to last a long time.

The wrong way is to dig around the hair and press with your fingernails to get it out.

Here is the right method to get the hair out easily:

What you need

- olive oil

- sugar (or a store-bought exfoliant)

- clean towels

- tweezers (preferably pointed)

- 70% alcohol

- Hot water

- coconut oil (optional)

How to do

- Prepare your material. Soak the tweezers in 70 ° alcohol, then rinse everything to sterilize them.

- You must first exfoliate the area to remove all the dead skin cells that can block the hair. You can use a gentle exfoliant like this.

But my favorite thing is just mixing a little olive oil with sugar until you get a pasty and thick texture. It doesn't take a lot of oil. Rub in a circular motion to dislodge any dead cells then rinse.

- Then take a clean towel and run it under hot water (as hot as you can without it burning you, of course). Then, apply it directly to the area of ​​ingrown hairs for 10 min. You may need to iron the towel under hot water a second time to keep it warm. This "softens" the hairs and opens the pores of the skin.

- Finally, use your sterilized tweezers and grasp the hairs firmly, as close to the skin as you can without irritating it. Give a sharp blow to remove them. Rinse off once more, and if desired, apply a little coconut oil to relieve the skin and help it heal faster.

If the hairs do not come out, just put a hot towel on it for 10 min twice a day until they appear. Some people think that it is the heat that helps the hair to come out earlier, but it is above all a way of keeping it supple. It also minimizes irritation until it can be removed. Resist the temptation to pierce the skin and triturate it to get the hair out.

Also note that pointy tweezers are the best, as they allow you to precisely grip the hairs without pinching your skin.

2. Exfoliate with a baking soda paste

ingrown hair under the skin: ingrown hair remedy with bicarbonate

If removing hairs one by one is really not your thing, try exfoliating your skin with baking soda paste.

You can of course use the sugar and olive oil scrub but it's not bad to have another recipe in your ingrown hair arsenal.

Baking soda is fairly soft and inexpensive: we all have it in our closets. It helps keep the follicle healthy while waiting for the ingrown hair to come out of the skin. On top of that, baking soda helps relieve painful inflammation.

Apply a little bit of coconut oil (or your favorite moisturizer) after to keep the skin soft.

What you need

- baking soda

- fresh water

- coconut oil (or your moisturizer)

How to do

- Mix enough baking soda and water to form a thick paste. It should be able to spread easily without forming lumps otherwise the dough may not stick on your skin.

- Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Then apply the baking soda paste with a firm but gentle circular motion.

- Rinse off residue with lukewarm water and apply coconut oil or moisturizer (just a little, no need to add a lot).

3. Disinfect with tea tree essential oil

remedy against ingrown hair oil tea tree

Tea tree essential oil is a wonderful essential oil to cure something painful like ingrown hair

It has powerful antiseptic properties, can help prevent infection, and shortens healing time. It also helps relieve discomfort and inflammation.

Always make sure to dilute it before applying it to your skin to avoid irritation, burning sensation, or an adverse reaction.

What you need

- 2 tablespoons of olive oil (or another neutral oil)

- 15 drops of tea tree essential oil

- a dark glass bottle

- Cotton Swabs

How to do

- Mix the neutral oil and the essential oil of tea tree. Wash the area where the ingrown hairs are.

- Using a cotton swab, dab a small amount of this mixture on the area of ​​the ingrown hair. You don't have to put a lot of it.

- Repeat this operation twice a day. Keep the mixture in a closed glass bottle.

To discover : Essential Tea Tree Oil: 14 Uses You Should Know About.

4. Relieve pain with apple cider vinegar

apple cider vinegar to remove ingrown hair

Apple cider vinegar is a great remedy for ingrown hairs. Why ? Because it relieves the itching and discomfort associated with ingrown hair.

Depending on your skin type, applying apple cider vinegar directly to ingrown hair pimples can be a bit itchy. Give it a try on a small part, but worth a try believe me.

Many people attest to the effectiveness of apple cider vinegar in treating inflammation of an ingrown hair.

When you know that inflammation is half the pain of an ingrown hair, it's definitely worth a try.

Apple cider vinegar also helps prevent ingrown hair from getting infected. If you prefer, you can also dilute it with hot water.

What you need

- apple cider vinegar (organic if possible)

To discover : 18 Uses of Apple Cider Vinegar That NOBODY Knows.

5. Use coconut oil before and after

remove ingrown hair with coconut oil

This tip may seem obvious because I just mentioned it in 3 of the 4 remedies I just told you about.

Some people prefer not to use coconut oil as a moisturizer for their whole body. But it's just a matter of taste.

However, it is a good spot treatment for ingrown hairs. This provides a barrier between the blade and your skin when you shave. And it hydrates the skin to prevent itching and irritation afterwards.

What you need

- coconut oil

How to do

- wash your hands and apply coconut oil sparingly to the affected areas. Just a very thin layer will do.

A little prevention avoids many misfortunes

ingrown hair how to remove them

The best thing to do is to avoid giving this type of hair a favorable ground for its appearance. There is, unfortunately, no effective way to prevent them, but there are a few tips and tricks that can help.

Hydrate: keep your skin hydrated and supple. The hairs will be less blocked than under too hard skin. This is because it is the hard skin as well as the dead skin cells that force the hairs to grow on the side. It's a great preventative remedy to prevent razor burn and ingrown hairs. This allows the razor to glide smoothly over the skin without drying it out. Say goodbye to itchy rashes or stubborn curly hairs. It is a kind of protective barrier while shaving, and it soothes the skin and prevents irritation afterwards.

Shave with the grain: I can only insist on this point: shave with the grain. Yes, shaving against the grain gives a better result, but it is much more annoying for your skin and hair. When the blade passes over the bristles, it pulls them up. The result: your hairs are cut just below the surface of the skin. This is the best way for hair to grow inside the skin. Shaving with the grain is just less friction and less irritation, but above all it avoids razor pimples and ingrown hairs.

Exfoliate: use a little exfoliant before any waxing. It will not be effective if the hairs are blocked under the skin. If you wax, it also makes hair regrowth easier and especially towards the outside of the skin.

Use simple blades: they are less irritating than razors with multiple blades. Even though the multiple blades give a good shaving result, the multiple pass has irritating effects because the second and third blades have nothing to cut ... so they scrape your skin.

Use new blades: if you use dull blades on the bristles, they will be badly cut and have sharp edges (yes, bristles can have edges depending on hair types). Worse, worn blades can pull them out completely. All of this results in ingrown hairs and pimples.

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6 Little Tips to Use Before and After Leg Waxing.

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