What to do with the leftover red wine? An Original Tip.

Your guests are gone, but they did not drink the whole bottle of red wine during the meal?

A wise decision, however, you still have a lot of wine on your hands.

It would be a shame to waste it ...

Here is an original tip for knowing what to do with the rest. Just make ice cubes that you can keep in the freezer.

freeze leftover red wine for use in sauces

How to do

1. Pour the rest of the wine into an ice cube tray.

2. Put this ice cube tray in the freezer.


And there you have it, now, it is no longer worth throwing away the leftover red wine :-)

You can use it for your next sauces in order to give body to your small dishes, because we often need to use wine to cook.

Thus, you will save on table wine that you could buy to make your sauces when you already have some available.

In addition, a red wine ice cube often represents the right one dose to use for cooking, hence the interest of keeping your bottoms.

And to keep your herbs the same, here's how to turn them into ice cubes.

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Also to discover:

The Tip for Preserving Your Wine Well When You Don't Have a Cellar.

The Best Tip for Recapping an Opened Bottle of Wine.

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