Back ache ? The Essential Oils Remedy Recommended By My Physiotherapist.

By dint of remaining seated in front of the computer, I often have back pain ...

Pain in my lower and upper back appears when I stand up.

Fortunately, my physiotherapist gave me a super effective remedy to relieve me.

This natural remedy with essential oils is very simple but very effective.

Know that it is important to act from the first pain. Look :

Essential oil remedy for back pain

What you need

- 50 ml of vegetable oil of sweet almond or jojoba

- 5 drops of lemon eucalyptus essential oil

- 5 drops of wintergreen essential oil

- 5 drops of helichrysum essential oil

- 5 drops of essential oil of shell marjoram

- 5 drops of peppermint essential oil

- 1 glass bottle closed with a stopper

How to do

1. Pour the vegetable oil into the bottle.

2. Add 5 drops of each of the essential oils.

3. Stopper the bottle.

4. Shake the mixture well.

5. Pour a little of this mixture in the palm of your hand.

6. Rub the painful areas.

7. Lie down comfortably after the massage.


There you go, this blend of essential oils quickly relieved your back pain :-)

No more pain that hurts all day! Now you know what to do if this happens to you.

After the massage, avoid exerting efforts and soliciting the painful area.

This remedy relieves pain in low back pain, lower back pain, sciatica, tension in the trapezius or in the shoulders.

If the pain is severe, the massage should be light so do not press too hard.

If you have a pain in the middle of your back, ask someone to gently rub you with this massage oil.

Remember to see your doctor to determine the source of the pain.

Your turn...

Have you tried this massage to stop back pain? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Sore Lower Back? Here's How To Stop Pain When You Sit All Day.

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