Can Ivy Revive the Black Colors of Your Clothes?

Our favorite black clothes never stay crisp black for very long.

It is true that by dint of washing them, they wash out.

Fortunately, there is a free and easy way to make our clothes look black.

This grandmother's recipe, since it was indeed my grandmother herself who advised me, is to wash her black clothes with an ivy decoction.

And I am surprisingly surprised at the result. It's crazy, nature! Look :

an ivy decoction to revive the color of faded black clothes

How to do

1. Pour a liter of water into a saucepan.

2. Add 12 ivy leaves.

3. Boil for 10 min.

4. Filter the decoction.

5. Use this preparation in rinsing water, in the compartment of the washing machine provided for this purpose.


And there you have it, your clothes come out very black :-)

Simple, practical and efficient!

In fact, it is completely natural and particularly economical.

Ivy really has black fixing power. The black of my clothes is revived.

Let us also remember that conventional laundry contains bleaching agents, which are therefore very bad for our dark clothes.

It is these detergents that make our black clothes lose their intensity.

So I prefer to use soap nuts or simple grated Marseille soap in laundry.

Bonus tips

- You can also replace this decoction with 2 glasses of coffee or a glass of white vinegar, still rinsing in the washing machine. I alternate to be on the safe side.

- You can replace ivy leaves with walnut leaves.

- And because you can never be too careful, I return all my clothes before washing and during drying. The sun also has fun making the dark intoxicate.

Savings made

Personally, ruining myself in a special black clothes laundry, a special red clothes, one for wool sweaters etc ... that doesn't mean too much to me.

Knowing that ivy and white vinegar are much more effective.

Ivy is found in nature ... so it's free. White vinegar, as usual, 20 cts per liter maximum. That is less than 5 cts per machine.

And with that, you no longer need laundry. So hop hop, little calculation: at least 10 € savings per month!

Your turn...

And you, do you also have problems keeping your clothes black? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

How to Revive the Black of Cotton Clothing?

How to Bleach Your Clothes with Baking Soda.

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