How Do You Know You're Lying? 10 Signs That Can't Be Deceived!

60% of people lie, at least once during the first 10 minutes of a conversation.

And on average, most people tell 2 to 3 lies per conversation. NS, just that !

So how do you know you're being lied to? Fortunately, there are tips for spotting liars.

The secret ? In her book, Lillian Glass explains that you have to focus on the face, body language, and language tics.

And, believe me, Lillian has some experience in it: she works with the FBI as a body language expert!

here is the 10 infallible signs that betray liars ! Look :

How to spot a myth: the guide to the 10 signs that tell liars.

Click here to easily print this guide in PDF.

10 signs that betray liars

How to spot a myth: the guide to the 10 signs that tell liars.

1. Their head starts to move suddenly

If the person turns their head suddenly when you ask them a question, beware. She may be lying to you.

2. Their breathing changes

When a person lies, it will make them nervous. She will therefore breathe a little harder, raise her shoulders and speak a little less loudly.

3. They have a rigid stance

Small, relaxed movements are natural in a conversation. Conversely, a rigid position is a bad sign: there is surely an eel under the rock.

4. They repeat certain words or phrases

To convince his interlocutor, the liar repeats his arguments several times. It's also a way to save time and think about what to say.

5. They touch or hide their mouths

When someone touches their mouth, it means they are annoyed & don't want to answer the question. He therefore shows it physically by hiding it.

6. They instinctively protect vulnerable parts of their body

If his hands are covering his chest, neck, head or stomach, you have surely touched a sore spot.

7. They tend to point fingers

When a liar thinks you've discovered their lies, they become defensive and become hostile, which can cause them to point fingers easily.

8. They give too much detail

When someone fills the conversation with lots of unnecessary details, it's often a sign of lying. It is a way of showing that they are telling the truth.

9. They find it increasingly difficult to express themselves

When someone lies, they are stressed. Because of his nervousness, his mouth becomes dry and he begins to bite his lips or have an oyster mouth.

10. They look at you without blinking.

When someone is lying, it is natural for them to avoid your gaze. But an experienced liar can do the opposite, staring at you to take control of the conversation and manipulate you.

Your turn…

Have you tried spotting a liar with these sure-fire signs? Tell us in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

Here's How To EASILY Recognize A Person Who Lies To You.

9 tips to recognize a liar and not get fooled anymore.

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