The Super Simple Way To Lose Thighs In ONLY 1 Week.

Do you have trouble fitting into your jeans?

Or just want to lose thighs to have pretty legs?

No need to take a gym membership for that!

Not only is it overpriced, but you can also work out just as effective at home.

All you need is a simple and effective method like the one I'm going to introduce to you here.

Here is a very simple program to lose thighs and refine them by only 1 week.

And don't panic, the 7 exercises in this program are super easy!

The advantage is that even beginners can do them, anywhere and without equipment. Look :

The 7 exercises to lose thighs in 1 week.

What you need

- Fitness mat

- small dumbbell (to avoid buying one, you can replace the dumbbell with a 0.5 liter bottle).

How to do

This method to lose thighs in just 7 days is very easy to implement in your daily life.

First of all, don't forget to warm up before starting this program!

Then, just follow this program to the letter and do each of these 7 exercises, every day for 1 week.

Exercise # 1: Jump-squat

A woman who jumps to lose her thighs

1. Bend your knees slightly and bring your arms back.

2. Take a big leap upwards, trying to raise the knees as high as possible.

Do 30 sets of this exercise.

This exercise is the most difficult of the program. If you have trouble doing 30 jumps in a row, simply divide them into 3 sets of 10, with 1 minute rest between each set.

Exercise # 2: Side leg lift

A woman who does a leg lift to strengthen the inner thighs.

1. Lie on your right side with your elbow bent under your head.

2. Bend the left leg and place the foot firmly in front of you, holding it in place with your left hand.

3. Now lift the right leg slightly, without making sudden movements and without raising it too high either.

4. Slowly lower the right leg.

5. Do the same movement on the opposite side.

Do 10 sets of this exercise on each side.

This exercise is the most effective for working the inner thighs.

Exercise # 3: Lateral tilts with dumbbell

A woman doing a side tilt with a dumbbell to lose thighs.

1. Get into a standing position with your left hand on your hip and holding the dumbbell in your right hand.

2. With the left leg, take a step to the left side.

3. Lean forward keeping your back straight. In the same motion, rotate your torso to the left, until it forms a line with your right leg (as in the image above).

4. Touch your left ankle with your right hand, keeping the right leg straight and the left leg bent at the knee.

5. Do the same movement on the other side.

Do 15 sets of this exercise on each side.

Exercise # 4: Lateral leg lift

A woman who does a leg lift to strengthen the outside of her thighs.

1. Lie on your right side, with your right arm bent to elevate your torso and your left hand resting on the floor in front of you.

2. Now lift the left leg slightly, without making sudden movements and without raising it too high either.

3. Slowly lower your leg.

4. Repeat the same movement on the opposite side.

Do 10 sets of this exercise on each side.

This exercise is effective not only for targeting the hips, but also the gluteal muscles and the outer thighs.

Exercise 5: Leg lift in a lying position

A woman who does a leg lift while lying down to lose thighs.

1. Get into a plank position with your arms straight below your shoulders.

2. Bend the right knee and extend the left leg behind you.

3. Slowly lift your left leg as high as possible.

4. Return to the starting position by slowly lowering your leg to the floor.

5. Do the same movement with the other leg.

Do 15 sets of this exercise on each side.

Exercise 6: Lunges with jumps

A woman who does lunges with jumps to lose her thighs.

1. Lunge forward on your left leg, keeping your back straight and flexing your right knee lower than your left knee.

2. Jump as high as you can, putting your arms above your head to help you.

3. As you jump, reverse the position of your legs so that you land in a lunge position on the opposite leg, as in the image above.

Do 10 to 15 sets at the start, reversing the position of the legs on each "landing". Then gradually increase to 30 repetitions.

Exercise # 7: Lunges with Dumbbells

A woman doing lunges with dumbbells to lose thighs.

1. Stand with your back straight, dumbbells in each hand and arms at your sides.

2. Make a lunge on your left leg. To do this, take a step back with the right leg and slowly bend the front knee, keeping the back straight.

3. Return to the starting position.

4. Do the same movement with the right leg.

5. To better target the thigh muscles, try taking a longer step backwards. The ideal stride length is a 90 ° front knee angle at the bottom of the movement.

Do 15 sets of this exercise.


How to lose thighs easily in 7 days

And now, after a week of exercises, you will start to lose thighs :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, isn't it?

It's still better than paying a gym membership!

Once the program is finished, try to make these exercises part of your daily routine, doing them at least once a week.

This will allow you to keep beautiful thighs all year round.

Your turn...

Have you tried these 7 easy exercises to lose thighs in just 1 week? Tell us in the comments if it was effective. We can't wait to hear from you!

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