How To Clean Cloth Car Seats With Baking Soda.

Are the seats in your car very dirty and stained?

It is true that a car gets dirty at high speed especially when you have children ...

Do not wait to react! The longer you wait, the harder it is to remove stains from the seats.

Fortunately, my mechanic gave me a simple and effective tip for maintaining the seats that are starting to get dirty.

The effective thing is to clean them with bicarbonate water. It's fast and natural. Look :

A very dirty and stained fabric car seat before and the same clean seat thanks to the baking soda

How to do

1. Pour a liter of water into a basin.

2. Add two tablespoons of baking soda.

3. Dip a brush into this mixture.

4. Scrub the seats, paying particular attention to the stains and halos.

5. Leave to dry well for several hours if necessary.

6. Vacuum the seats.


Baking soda and water to clean the car seats

And there you have it, thanks to the baking soda, your car seats are like new :-)

Easy, fast and efficient!

Not a single spot or halo. The fabric of the seats is clean and their color is revived.

And it's much more economical than buying a special car seat stain remover.

And for the record, this is a trick that you can also use to clean sofas and cushions.

Always test in an inconspicuous corner to be sure the baking soda does not mar or discolour the fabric.

Bonus tip

If the stains are well encrusted, there is a radical trick to removing them.

Pour baking soda into a container and wet it with white vinegar.

It will foam up, but that's normal. Place this cleaning mixture on the stain then rub and rinse.

Wait for it to dry and vacuum. The stains will not resist this shock treatment!

And it works for all types of stains: beer, salt, milk, vomit, cola, blood, urine or even semen ...

Why does it work?

Clean Cloth Car Seats With Baking Soda

Bicarbonate is a natural antimicrobial, antibacterial, antifungal and sanitizing product.

It therefore cleanses the tissues of the seat naturally without chemicals.

Its abrasive action removes dirt without damaging the fabric.

And its degreasing properties can get rid of almost all stains.

It also has the particularity of absorbing odors that become embedded in the fabric over time.

Your turn...

Have you tried this grandmother's recipe for cleaning car seats? Tell us in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

23 SIMPLE Tips to Make Your Car CLEANER Than Ever.

How to EASILY Clean Your Car Seats.

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