The Magic Trick To Remove White Mist From Bleached Glasses.

Have your glasses been bleached by your dishwasher?

It often happens after a while because of hard water. Result: they become opaque!

Fortunately, there is an effective grandmother's trick to remove those white streaks.

The trick to recovering glasses that have been washed in the dishwasher is to soak them in white vinegar for 10 minutes. Look at the difference:

How to remove white marks from glasses with white vinegar

How to do

1. Fill a basin with white vinegar.

2. Put your glasses to soak in the basin.

3. Leave on for 10 min.

4. Rinse them.

5. Wipe them with a microfiber cloth.


There you go, your glasses are now sparkling :-)

They shine again as if they were new. No more tarnished glasses from the dishwasher!

Not a single white trace: they regained all their shine and without using Sun Lavage ;-)

It's so easy and economical. And it's much prettier like that on your table! In addition, it also works for your cutlery and crystal glasses.

Now you know how to clean damaged glasses in the dishwasher!

Bonus tip

- To prevent a white veil from depositing on your glasses, pour a glass of white vinegar into the rinsing compartment of the dishwasher. Put on your dishwasher tablets. And run the dishwasher as usual.

- If you have lime on larger surfaces, put white vinegar in a spray bottle. Spray it on the surfaces to be treated and finish by wiping with a microfiber cloth. And there you have it, the limestone has disappeared!

Your turn...

Have you tried this trick to remove white marks from your dishes? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

Does Your Dishwasher Leave White Marks on Your Glasses? Here is what to do.

Stop Buying Dishwasher Rinse Aid. Use White Vinegar.

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