Here's How To Clean Windows Without Marks And Without Products.

Use our foolproof trick to get your tile looking clean without buying chemicals.

You've struggled for hours on end to clean your windows, but nothing helps.

The products of the market, even the most "miraculous" always leave small traces.

Grab your bottle of white vinegar and adopt this grandma trick:

Use white vinegar to clean the windows

How to do

1. Mix white vinegar with hot water (25 cl of vinegar for 75 cl of hot water).

2. Clean the windows with a sponge using this mixture.

3. No need to rinse.

4. Wipe with a cloth. You can also wipe with a microfiber cloth for best results.


And there you have it, your windows are now impeccable :-)

Another trick that works great for cleaning your windows at home is to use newspaper. Check out this trick by clicking here.

Your turn...

Have you tried this grandma's trick for cleaning windows? Tell us in the comments if it was effective. We can't wait to hear from you.

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Also to discover:

Clean Windows and Tiles with Newsprint For Flawless Results.

Finally a Tip for Cleaning Between the Windows of an Oven.

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