How To Make Your Own Home Dehumidifier.

Do you have humidity in the house?

And you want to make a dehumidifier easily?

You are right, it must be done before mold appears.

It is much healthier for your health.

Here is how to make your own dehumidifier. Look :

How to make a home dehumidifier

What you need

- a 1.5 liter plastic water bottle

- 100 g of coarse salt

- a compress

- cotton

- 10 drops of lavender essential oil (optional)

- 2 elastic bands

- 1 cutter

- scissors

How to do

1. Cut the top of the bottle 3/4.

2. Circle the neck with the compress.

3. Secure it with the rubber bands.

4. Put a few pieces of cotton wool at the bottom of the bottle.

5. Pour lavender essential oil over it.

6. Put the coarse salt in the part of the bottle that contains the neck.

7. Fit the "neck" part of the bottle in the "bottom" part, upside down (as for wasp traps).

8. Place the humidifier where it is needed.


That's it that's all ! You made your own dehumidifier :-)

And if you're out of lavender essential oil, you can find it here.

Additional advice

- Often empty the water absorbed by your homemade dehumidifier.

- Replace the salt every two weeks.

- Ventilate your interior every day at least twice for 20 minutes.

- Check that your walls are in good condition and not too wet.

Your turn...

Have you tried this trick to make your home dehumidifier? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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