Don't Buy Ice Cream Bag. Here's How To Make It A Home.

Notice to athletes or parents in distress, this tip will change your life.

You all know the technique of the ice pack on an injury?

But did you know you can make one that stays soft, to wrap your wound tightly on your knee?

The proof, this tip held by a physiotherapist who teaches you how to make an ice pack yourself, ready in 5 minutes. Look :

do-it-yourself ice pack

How to do

1. Get a waterproof, zippered plastic bag like this one.

2. Pour into the bag 1/4 of methylated spirit and 3/4 of water. Don't overfill it.

3. Close the bag tightly.

4. Refrigerate for 5 min.


And there you have it, you have made your ice pack in 5 minutes :-)

Easy and economical, isn't it? Its use is very simple.

And you can even reuse it and it fits very well for kids.

Why does it work?

This mixture cools much faster than water on its own, plus it doesn't get stiff, so you can still handle it easily.

Use without moderation on any bruises, muscle aches or headaches you experience.

Bonus: possibly, put it in two sealed bags, so as not to have any problem in the event of a leak.

And if this recipe doesn't appeal to you, here's another way to make a homemade ice pack.

Your turn...

Have you tried this economical trick for making an ice pack? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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