The 20 Benefits of Cycling: Why You Should Cycle Every Day.

With the coronavirus and the sunny days, it's the best time to get on a bike!

Whether it's to improve your health or save money ...

... riding a bike might be the best decision you've ever made!

Still not convinced to trade in your car or public transport for a bicycle?

So here are the 20 benefits of cycling or why you should cycle every day. Look :

The 20 Benefits of Cycling: Why You Should Cycle Every Day.

1. You will no longer be late for work

With the bike, no more traffic jams!

You can now avoid them and go twice as fast as in a car if you live in the city.

In Paris, you can spend up to 60 hours in traffic, compared to 29 hours in Lyon, without moving forward at all.

While by bike, we do not undergo these forced stops: we move forward.

And this is valid in any small town during rush hour.

Thanks to the bike, you will never be late for an appointment again. Discover 10 reasons to cycle to work here.

2. You will sleep more soundly

If you suffer from insomnia, cycling will help you solve this problem which affects many French people.

Researchers have noticed that cycling for 20 to 30 minutes every 2 days allows people with sedentary insomnia to fall asleep much more easily (time divided by 2) and to sleep an hour more per night.

This is because exercising outside exposes our body to sunlight.

Result, it restores the synchronization of our biological rhythm ...

... and rids our body of "cortisol", a hormone reducing deep sleep and regenerating.

3. You will rejuvenate physically

Cycling helps to better oxygenate the body and especially the skin cells.

This better circulation eliminates toxins and stimulates the production of collagen.

Thus, the effects of aging on the skin are slowed down.

When cycling in good weather, remember to apply a full screen to your skin to protect yourself from UV rays.

Choose at least an index 30 for it to be effective.

4. You digest better

While cycling stimulates the heart and the production of good hormones, it also helps promote digestion and weight loss.

This is because physical activity reduces the time food passes through the large intestine, making it softer and easier to eliminate.

Additionally, outdoor exercise speeds up breathing and heart rate, which helps stimulate intestinal muscles to contract.

No more bloating! In addition, it would reduce the risk of bowel cancer.

5. You stimulate your neurons

What if I told you that cycling boosts neurons? So there is only one thing left to do: pedal!

In fact, there is a 5% improvement in cardiorespiratory capacity among cyclists.

By increasing oxygenation to the brain, we increase the production of new brain cells in the hippocampus, the region of the brain dedicated to memory.

These cells deteriorate from the age of 30.

Thus, not only are we noticing better results of 15% on mental tests, but also a reduced risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.

6. You get sick less often

Daily physical exercise strengthens our immune system.

The consequence is simple and radical!

We get much less sick when we cycle regularly.

So, cycle for at least 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week, so you don't have to see the doctor!

Indeed, this reduces by 2 the risk of falling compared to those who do not move from their sofa.

7. You increase your life expectancy

People who exercise regularly have a lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, and being obese.

Why ? Because when you cycle, cells regenerate much more easily.

By doing 3 walks of 45 min / week, not only do you look younger ...

... but on top of that, your body behaves like it's 9 years younger.

Incredible, isn't it?

8. You boost your sex life

Being more physically active improves vascular health, which also boosts libido.

It is common knowledge that male athletes perform better in this regard, worthy of men 2 to 5 years younger.

For women, this would delay menopause by as much.

Men over 50 who cycle at least 3 hours per week decrease the risk of impotence by 30% compared to those who exercise little.

9. Your boss will love you

He won't necessarily like you for your little cycling shorts ...

... but rather for your best performance and your resistance to stress.

A study conducted by the University of Bristol among 200 people shows that the management of time and workload is better among employees who come by bicycle.

They would also feel more comfortable in their relationships with others and would be less prone to stress.

10. You reduce the risk of cancer

Any physical exercise is helpful in fighting cancer, but some studies have shown that cycling is particularly recommended.

Indeed, it has the effect of promoting the proper functioning of the cells of the body.

A Finnish study found that men who cycled for at least 30 minutes a day were 2 times less likely to develop cancer than others.

Ditto for women, those who cycle frequently reduce the risk of breast cancer by 34%.

8 health benefits of cycling

11. You lose weight easily

It is often thought that in order to lose weight, you have to go head-to-head in jogging.

Of course, running makes you lose weight by burning fat.

Yet, depending on your weight, running can do more harm than good.

Indeed, the joints suffer greatly from impact on the ground.

So it is better to prefer the bike, because the saddle absorbs most of the shocks.

As a result, the skeleton and joints do not suffer at all.

12. You spend less money on food

What if riding a bike for weight loss also saves you money?

An Ohio researcher explains that the more body mass index (BMI) increases due to junk food, the more money you lose (up to $ 800).

Because this way of eating requires eating more often and in larger quantities.

So lose some weight while cycling: your wallet will thank you.

13. You avoid breathing pollution

You might think that a cyclist in town will breathe in all the pollution from cars and trucks. Well, not really, it seems.

Passengers on buses, taxis and cars were found to inhale significantly more poisonous gases than cyclists and pedestrians.

On average, taxi passengers were exposed to more than 100,000 ultrafine particles - which can deposit in the lungs and damage cells - per cubic centimeter.

Whereas a cyclist is only exposed to 8,000 ultrafine particles per cubic centimeter.

This could be explained by the fact that the cyclists are on the side of the road, and not just behind the exhausts of the vehicles.

14. You save a gym membership

By cycling to work, you no longer need a gym membership!

Not only do you save time all week, but you also save money.

Considering the price of these subscriptions, it is far from negligible.

You will be able to get back in shape without spending a euro!

It is your wallet that will thank you.

15. You improve your breath

When you cycle, you use 10 times more oxygen than when you sit in front of a screen.

Needless to say, this activity is great for your lungs and your breath.

Best of all, it will strengthen your cardiovascular system and, over time, allow the heart and lungs to function more efficiently by carrying oxygen more easily.

In the end, you will be able to exercise more with less effort.

No more out of breath going up a staircase!

16. You burn fat hours after cycling

Doctors have found that you not only burn fat when you cycle ...

... but also several hours later!

After 30 minutes of cycling, you burn calories for an additional 1 to 2 hours after activity.

And the more you progress, the more fat burning time increases.

And if you add a hill or a little sprint, you'll burn 3.5 times more fat than a ride on a flat road.

17. You will become addicted to sports

Replace a bad addiction, such as smoking, drinking alcohol, or consuming too much chocolate, with a positive addiction.

The one in sport is one of the best!

Indeed, once you get into the habit of cycling regularly, you will not be able to do without it.

Why ? Because if you stop, you will quickly feel your body telling you "When are we going to get back to it ?!".

The goal is to become addicted to cycling so that you can never drop out!

Plus, you'll feel happier and healthier.

And this positivism influences the rest of your life.

18. You are in a better mood

Athletes are always happy, we often hear.

This is not just a myth!

Because playing sports sends hormone shocks making you happy.

Neurologists studied the endorphins in the brains of 10 volunteers before and after a cardio training session.

By comparing the before and after scans, they noticed better uptake of the happiness hormone opiates in the frontal and limbic regions of the brain.

These are areas known to be involved in managing emotions and stress.

There is a direct link between sports phases and the feeling of well-being.

It's a bit like a happiness shoot ... but legal. And you will see that you will quickly be hooked on it!

19. You are happier

If you get a little bluesy when you get in the saddle, pedaling for miles is going to cheer you up.

Any light to moderate exercise releases natural endorphins that reduce stress and make you happy.

This is probably why healthcare professionals recommend that people with depression exercise at least 3 times 30 minutes a week.

20. You fight fatigue

It may sound strange ...

... but taking a bike ride when you feel tired or lazy, it gets you going!

Indeed, physical activity, even for just a few minutes, awakens and gives a boost.

When you get home, you feel refreshed and super proud to have moved our body!

Bonus: you do something for the planet

Let's do a little math: 1 car parking space contains 20 bikes.

To make a bicycle, you need only 5% of the materials and energy used to make a car.

And let us add that the bicycle does not produce any pollution in circulation.

With a bicycle, we go 3 times faster than by walking and I am not talking about the savings on the "gasoline" budget!

You don't have to think long to prefer cycling, especially when you live in the city.

Your turn...

Do you know other benefits of cycling? Share them with us in the comments. We can't wait to hear from you!

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