Here's Why I Use Epsom Salt In My Garden and Vegetable Garden.

Do you know about Epsom salt, also called magnesium sulfate?

It is a little-known product that has been used for hundreds of years. Wondering what to do with Epsom salt?

Epsom salt has many health benefits, but it's also great for the garden.

Today i wanted show everyone the difference between a vegetable patch where I used Epsom salt ...

... and another where I haven't used one.

In both cases, the plants were planted on the same day and no other product was used except water. Look at the difference:

Example of a vegetable garden without using epsom salt

Vegetable garden where I used epsom salt to grow the plants

Another example below:

Another example of a vegetable garden without using epsom salt

Example of a vegetable garden with epsom salt

As you can see, Epsom salt is a truly amazing natural product for the vegetable garden.

It gives your plants a real boost.

Obviously, plants without Epsom salt will grow anyway, but they won't be as vigorous.

And that's not all, magnesium sulfate has plenty of other uses for the garden. Look :

1. For green plants

epsom salt fertilizer for green plants

Mix a teaspoon of Epsom salt in 3 liters of water and water the plants with it every two to four weeks.

2. As a fertilizer

salt epsom fertilizer for the vegetable garden

Sprinkle about a cup of Epsom salt per 10 m2 patch. Then turn the soil over before planting or sowing.

3. To grow tomatoes

epsom salt for tomato or pepper

Apply a tablespoon directly to the tomato plants every two weeks. It also works great with peppers.

4. To feed the roses

espom salt to fertilize rosebushes

Sprinkle a teaspoon of Epsom salt at the base of each rose bush every two weeks.

5. To stimulate evergreen trees

epsom salt for azalea flowering trees

Evergreen trees, such as azaleas and rhododendrons, love Epsom salt. Mix a tablespoon in the irrigation water for a plot of about 10 m2. Pour over the root zone every two to four weeks.

6. To revitalize the lawn

epsom salt for green and shaped lawn

Yep, the lawn loves Epsom salt too. For your lawn to benefit from its benefits, apply 1.5 kg of Epsom salt on a plot of 25 m2. For a 50 m2 plot, apply 3 kg of Epsom salt. You will see how your lawn will turn green again. This treatment should preferably be applied in spring.

7. To stimulate the trees

fertilize fruit trees epsom salt

Apply two tablespoons to the root zone for a plot of 9 m2. Repeat this treatment every four months.

Like us, plants sometimes lack the nutrients to thrive.

Epsom salt acts as natural vitamins. It will prevent the plant from being weak or its leaves yellow.

And to grow large, healthy veggies, sprinkle Epsom salt around the base of each plant.

Why is Epsom salt good for plants?

What is Epsom salt? What is Epsom salt? It is actually magnesium sulfate.

Plants need it for stronger roots and to facilitate absorption of chlorophyll.

Its use is recommended by many professional gardeners as well as landscapers.

The above measurements are of course indicative. Results may vary from case to case and from species to species.

Anyway, what I can say is that it has been working great for my garden for years!

Where to buy Epsom salt?

Are you convinced by the benefits of Epsom Salt in the garden and vegetable patch?

If so, I recommend this one because it is of good quality and at a good price:

Buy cheap epsom salt

You can also find it in supermarkets such as Intermarché, Auchan, Jardiland or Gamm Vert.

As we said at the outset Epsom salt and also called magnesium sulfate. You can use both without worries for gardening and the vegetable garden.

Your turn...

Have you tested the benefits of Epsom salt on your plants? Tell us in the comments if it worked for you? We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

19 Secret Uses of Magnesium Sulfate.

The 5 Secrets of Effortless Gardening.

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