The Magic Trick to Revive White Linen Turned Gray.

No matter how careful you are, white laundry tends to turn gray over time.

Worse, yellowish halos can form under the arms.

Your laundry is turning gray: what to do? How to make clothes that have turned gray become very white again?

Fortunately, there is a simple trick to bleach it: aspirin!

how to bleach gray clothes with aspirin

How to do

1. Put your gray laundry in the machine.

2. Add a dose of your usual detergent.

3. Add two aspirin pills.

4. Repeat the operation over several washes to obtain a very white cloth.


And There you go ! Your laundry has regained all its whiteness thanks to the aspirin :-)

You don't even have to buy a product to brighten up the whiteness of the laundry. Thanks to the aspirin, you will find a dazzling white linen.

For better efficiency, choose effervescent aspirin tablets.

Your turn...

Did you try that grandmother's trick to find a white cloth? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

4 Essential Tips to Know to Easily Launder Laundry.

The Natural Detergent that Effectively Revives the Whiteness of Your Laundry.

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